
Why do women have longer necks than men?

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I noticed lately that most of the women that I am attracted to have one thing in common. A nice long neck like with no hint of any sag in the chin. On furhter observation I realised that women in general have longer necks than men. Is this an accurate observation or just my little guy doing the thinking for me??




  1. Women don't have longer necks than men.

  2. Biblically speaking women do have longer necks...or at least they have the *appearance* of longer necks.  Here is where the confusion lays: The longer neck appearance of women is facilitated by the fact that they indeed have longer torsos as a result of men having anatomically one less rib than women.  While women posses fully 12 rib sets (12 left and 12 right) men only have 11.  The result of less ribs (called Gender Rib Bias or Adamificated Rib) is the false perception that men have shorter necks.

  3. I have never noticed that women have long necks. It's a general knowledge stuff. Thanks pal.

  4. same length necks but blokes tend to have more defined upper back/neck muscles which make the neck look shorter

  5. So they can stickybeak better

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