
Why do women have the tendency of getting upset easily...?

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Why do women have the tendency of getting upset easily...?




  1. You knew it was coming, so I'll do the honors of stating the obvious that this question is completely sexist. For it to be taken for granted that women get upset easily, then "easily" is compared to some standard. What is that standard? Men? Why are men the standard for humanity? There are more women in the world than there are men. The question could be posed as, "why do men bury/suppress,hide, disconnect from their very existent emotions?" In this case as in the case with the original, sexist question, my answer would not be that the differences are somehow innate: hormones, or that women are "emotional" as apposed to men being rational, or that we are weak. It would be that both genders are socialized to be what they are. Men are socialized to fight wars and thus learn at an early age to fight, build physical strength, and bury their emotions. They are taught that their value lies in wealth and power and with those things comes the prize of women (thus making women objects to be obtained). Women are still taught self-hate at an early age (in other words, that men decide our value and we are worthless without them... miss america, etc) and socialized for the non-profit making work in society, such as child-rearing and housekeeping, for the purposes of subjugation. Both genders are taught that we are the complete opposite, a dichotomy (i.e. rational vs. emotional), of each other. The comment someone made that we are fragile shows how both genders are taught not only that to be emotional is weak, but that to be emotional is female, thus female = emotional = weak. Emotions are not weakness, they are human. Deal with it and acknowledge that women are socialized to be the way they are. If you don't like it, then shoot for change in institutionalized patriarchal sexism. Realize that we have more in common with each other than differences and that those differences serve only limited bioligical functions. Also be aware that women have been oppressed for thousands of years. It will take a long time for the results of the long, hard-fought freedoms some women do have to begin to manifest themselves in seemingly naturally-occurring behaviors. You could try putting yourself in the other's shoes. If your entire value was based in a woman's love or approval, then wouldn't the things they said to you have a lot larger of an impact? Think about it.

  2. Women are very emotional so they can raise their husband's children while he is providing for his family.

  3. This is a normal part of being Women !

    They are to sensitive and fragile !!

  4. Cause we are emotional ok....!

    *goes and cries in a corner*


  5. Hormones.

  6. They have changeable hormones and a monthly menstrual cycle. In addition to this men are absolute softies when women start to snivel, excepting this one.

  7. Because we are sensitive little wotsits that need tender loving care from you great big brutes!  GIVE US A HUG!!

  8. LOL.. nah its just them moody womens going through there periods.. lol...

    And dont give me thumbs down cos am talking about women in periods.. p**i mundha knows what am talking about innit. .. so mind your own business. =)

  9. Our hormones are very different I guess. Women are more prone to being upset, crying, getting annoyed easily. Oh and being fussy. Especially that time of the month. Not our fault though. Blame it on the hormones.

  10. Hormones perhaps?

    PMT? hmm I don't know.

    or perhaps the general stress of everyday life.

  11. Wow, dude, you need to get to a bar and chat with guy friends about this.  You'll get slaughtered asking it on the internet.

  12. **Punches** I refute we don't!!!

  13. our horrormones are in our blood urs are in ur sperms

  14. actually my man gets upset easier than i do lol

  15. lol.  We just are.  Trust me all women have that tendency.  If they say they don't, they are lying.  We are fragile!!!  :D

  16. So do some men.

  17. actually men get upset very easily too...

    The difference is that women is not afraid or embarrassed to show it..but men are.. Men just act tough on the outside... but they cry their a*s off when they're alone... they even get breathing problems because they cry too much...

    (yea I know what you're're probably thinking "wtf thats not true.. we don't..... well see..?? your question is a really stupid question...!)

  18. Cos we are venerable  

  19. thats what i want to know for ages.

  20. no need to generalize!

  21. Um..............You got too many of us angry...lolz........

    hope your face's shape is not changed so much by the punch of Ninja and Ducky.


    and Women are women that's why they are like that!

    have you got any problem with that?

    they are emotional more than men!

  22. Because they are wired to have short temper!  They want sympathy from men when it suits them but are quite happy to stab him when they are fed up of him!  That is what a woman is!

  23. coz they are women

  24. I guess because we are softer hearted. More emotional. Sometimes it can be a bad thing, but think of it like this, if we as women were not more emotionally attached then who would nurture the young and also the rest of the family. I think women also 'feel' and 'understand' better others' emotions. It's a gift that men do not have. You're just programmed differently.  

  25. who have you upset?

  26. Generalise much?

  27. There is actually scientifically, a part of their brain which is more emotional than guys

    That might be why

  28. You may well ask ....

  29. cuz they are the original emos

  30. generally women r more emotional and sensitive than men. but not all women r like that, and there are quite a few men who r just as sensitive and emotional :P lol.  

  31. Soft Mind Creatures!!

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