
Why do women like older men?

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Why are women in there 20's and early 30's like older men.




  1. women at that stage craves stability and devotion while most men at her stage just want luxury without commitment.

  2. because they are not party beer drinkers and have some sense of education, experience and a brain in their head

  3. Well they dont all want older guys. FYI

  4. mature women like mature men, hence women like older men

  5. Number one is security, stable and they have made up their mind for what they want in life.

    But some of them in their 30's and up are still acting immature. From my experience to this day I know guys in their early 30's and mid 40's and 50's  which are my co-workers and are married and they are not really happy with their spouses and some are younger than them or the guy is younger than they are.

  6.   I never asked . Why blow a good thing .  

  7. cos us older men (40) ROCK!!! :D

    (maybe you should try us out)

  8. They have money

  9. because they think that older man are mature and responsible, wile in this times theres not a such a thing as 30 year old man spend their time playing world of warcraft,  

  10. Because they provide a sense of security for the girls? They are more matured in handling all kinds of situation?

    Personally, I think the ideal case would be for the girl to be with a guy who is the same age as her. Just like me and my hubby. Although my hubby is 26 days younger than me, he certainly has more life experience than me and is more matured in thinking compared to other guys his age.

  11. I guess they think that the man is going to magically be better to them than he was to wife #1 or #2, but they soon find out he is the same guy and will treat them the very same.

    I'd rather have a younger man who was raised with an understanding of women more than these 40+ year olds who think women should take care of their every last need and then they yell and abuse you in spite of it.

  12. Iam 47 and never married...I find that younger women like to talk to me because I can read them clearer and have good conversation. Women need intelligent social inter-action....alot of young guys are players or into manipulation of relationships whereas the womens needs are not while other aspects may be met the most important one is not..........WOMEN LOVE EMOTIONAL INTELIGENCE



  14. I am 27 and married to a 40-year-old. I just found him smarter, more mature, and more sensitive than guys my own age. When we met I was 20 and in the last seven years, I have found that too many men in my age group were still shallow, immature, and just downright moronic. Not my cup of tea. With my husband I can actually talk intelligently and not have him give me a blank stare like too many in my age group do.


    Pie, don't assume every man over 30 has been married a few times already and that's why he's with younger women. My husband was 33 when we met and he had never been married nor did he have any children. Please don't paint all men with the same brush.

    Although he gets on my nerves sometimes I have a caring, generous, and loving husband who has been there for me through thick and thin, as cliche as it is.

  15. "Most" of the men that are older we figure have already gotten the BS out of the way earlier in their life. They are more mature and responsible. They also know what they want in life and are ready for it.  Of course there are still those older men out there that are less mature than a 20 year old...

  16. I do because all of my good experiences with men were with ones who were several years older than me.    

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