
Why do women live with men? Is it because he won't marry her? I find it hard to believe that she won't marry?

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him.Haven't women any pride anymore? Why do they let men treat them like possessions? 4 in 5 men who live with a woman will clear of at some time while only 2 in 5 married men will do the same.




  1. hey! i live with my bf for almost a year now, and we do have plans for getting married, but we have our priorities straight. buy a house, get married have children. we are not ready for the commitment that a marriage brings right now and we are fine living together. we do the exact same things we did when we were first going out, except now after dates he doesnt walk me to my door n kiss me goodnite lol. and i have pride honey. i waited for the right man before i had s*x (current bf), which meant i waited til i was 21.

    i am not my bf's possession and he isnt mine. we both treat each other as individuals. where on earth did you get your statistic that 2 in 5 men will get a divorce?? over 50% of marriages fail sweetheart.. i dont know what you've been reading but its obviously inaccurate.

  2. What the h**l??

    People live together because they want to, not every woman is desperate for marriage! Not in this day and age.

    Me and my husband lived together for 7 years before getting married. It was never a major thing that HAD to be done. We got married when WE wanted to.

    In fact, having children and a mortgage was more of a commitment than marriage - children are a lifelong connection and a mortgage is pretty hard to get out of! LOL

    Women have pride, but when you read questions like this, it makes you wonder why other women think they don't. Freedom? Yeah right!

  3. Joint decision.Statistics show women are more likely to be unfaithful and

    leave their partner than males would.

  4. Probably but they would never admit it.

  5. u no how peeple say if you cant go through the door go through the window? well ma hubby always lets me go through the door =] I showed him i own the place too.

    just dont let him do it because its ur life not his

  6. So you'd rather marry someone and then move in with them afterwards? It doesn't matter what anyone says, you don't know if you're really compatible with someone until you live with them. I've been living with my boyfriend for 2 years, we are engaged and are getting married next May. And regardless of what you think, he does not treat me like one of this possessions, we are both equal.

  7. Why do you find it so hard to believe that a woman might not want to get married? Not every girl spends her life waiting for the day where she can find a husband and have babies.

    This question worries me... I find it disturbing to know that there are women out there that actually believe what you've just written.

  8. Marriage is an outdated concept that is past its use-by date.

  9. what?

  10. I want to live with my boyfriend as soon as we can get house situations figured out (we both own homes). I do NOT want to get married yet. He has asked me to marry him, but I have told him that I am not ready yet, Give me about 3 more years! Yeah I have a lot of pride which is why I am not going to just say yes and accept his proposal.. I want us to live together and work on our relationship, at some point Ill say yes though!

  11. really!...i think men and women should wait til marraige to live together.  

  12. You are right.  Many women are accepting him on his terms.  Then when she ends up pregnant, she wonders why he doesn't stick around.  If he could not commit to marriage, what makes her think he is ready to commit to being a father?  It just amazes me how gullible many women are.

  13. Ok this question is so wrong.  When you get married you live with your partner dont you???  So to ask why do men live with women is stupid.

    Whats wrong with not getting married, if you are happy enough there is no reason to get married.  Its a lot of money and at the end of the day it's only a piece of paper.

    It has nothing to do with people getting treated badly.

  14. women treat men the same way u cant say its just the blokes

  15. i can't answer for other women but i do have pride. but to be honest i don't believe in divorce, unless abuse or infidelity was going on. i've been living with my boyfriend for 2 years, been with him for 3yrs, because there was a possibility of marriage & i wanted to make sure we had what it takes to make it. you know like habits, s*x, bills, kids & fights. we've been through pretty much everything married couples go through & i'm glad i live with him before getting married, because there's no doubt in my mind that we'll make our marriage work. we're getting married on our 4yr anniversary september 10th 2009 next year, if it was up to him, we'd already be married the 1st year.

  16. that is how things are these days women do the same

  17. my bf & I have lived together for 5 yrs- We are not married yet b/c we cannot afford the wedding, and we prefer not to do it in the courthouse.

    I do not feel that I am lacking respect from him.  Many couples live together b4 marriage & I recommend it- what's the point of waiting until u get married...if it's not going to work at least you'll know b4 spending money on your wedding!!

  18. I find it hard to believe that she won't marry? This is a question? What the heck are you fricken talking about. Do you think it's because he won't marry her?

  19. as we go far out of all religions,,,it is the bad new culture and civilization

  20. I'd love to know where you got that from!

    I have lived with my man for 16 years and still going strong.

    If a couple are going to break up, being married or not has jack to do with it honey.

    We have been together longer than our marriages lasted!

  21. this question is so confusing! i cant even understand what your getting at!!

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