
Why do women on here say that Toddler Formula "doesn't offer anything that cow's milk doesnt." ?

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I buy Toddler Formula for my son who is 13 months.

There are SEVERAL nutrients in the formula that is not found in cow's milk.

WHY do Mothers on here say that cow's milk has just as much nutrition?




  1. Because those extra nutrients are just there to make you pay more money for it.  You're being had.

    If it makes you feel good to squander your cash, by all means, do it.  

  2. I think it is because every pediatrician is different. My best friend's daughter is nearly the same age as my own daughter and our doctors are constantly telling us very different things. It all depends on where the people heard their seems like every source (magazine, website, pediatrician, etc.) is different!

  3. bc its a mothers milk. if u can affort to buy formula for ur whole life go for it, its ur child u know how to be a mom.

    me i cnat affort that so when my son turns 1 he will go on cows milk. and i know its not bad for him so hey save me some college money.  

  4. I still think that it is a gimmick to get people to buy it.

    It may have some more nutrients then whole milk, but if your toddler is eating a well rounded diet rich in whole foods, then they really don't need it.

    However, if you have a child that doesn't eat that well, maybe the extra nutrients from the next step formula will be helpful.

  5. it probably doensn't have all the nutrience that formula has ,but at 13 months your baby is eating pretty much all the nutrience he needs so that's why cow's milk is just enough ...

    good luck  

  6. I dont see the point of shelling out X amount of dollars a week for "toddlers" formula when whole milk is just as good for them.  Whole milk is good for you, and has a lot of nutrition.  Why does it bother you what other people think?

  7. Every peditrican has different takes on stage 2 formulas. Since stage 2 formulas are considered a new addition to the formula market a lot of peditricana feel that they are just another added expense not necessary.

    Stage 2 formula is designed to meet the nutritonal needs of underweight or failure to thrive babies. Also formulas designed for babies 9 to 12 months are higher caliore and are intended for at least crawling babies.

    By a year old a child should have all nutrional needs met by table foods. Formula isnt meant to be a supplement past 12 months, just under special circumstances.

    If you don't feel comfortable just giving cows milk due to nutreints consult your peditrican. He or she may be able to prescribe one a day vitamin drops. Extended use of formula isn't HARMFUL but can slow down the rate that the digestive system matures at.

    Cows milk contains natural fats that aren't introduced in formulas. The later those fats are introduced the harder it is for the body to become accustom to absorbing them. Then you could be faced with having to use products like pregestimil.

    Good luck!

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