
Why do women on welfare have 3 times as many children as those that pay for their own?

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blue - 2 1/2 children means ones an infant...




  1. Because "the Great Society" envisioned by liberals was a hoax. Socialism is a failure and anyone that votes for Obama and his tax increases and expansion of government is a lobotomy patient.  

  2. Completely false.

    Women are not on welfare unless they are disabled. Their children are the ones who receive welfare benefits. Welfare parents are predominently single, white women, and have an average of just over 2 children.


  3. Please provide a link, or other documentation, for your claim. I doubt the U.S. Census Bureau agrees that women on welfare have three times as many children as those that 'pay for their own'.

    If you're really upset about government welfare payouts, consider the hundreds of billions of dollars that go to big corporations in the form of government grants, special tax deductions, tax abatements, low-cost government loans. Then look at the billions of dollars American homeowners receive in mortgage interest deductions, courtesy of the U.S. government. And, I'll bet you expect to collect a Social Security check when you're older - America's most extravagant welfare program that virtually every American citizen wants a piece of; 'welfare' for the poor, the disabled, the underprivileged, sick, mentally ill, disadvantaged, unemployed, homeless and hungry is a drop in the bucket compared to the hundreds of billions of dollars given away to wealthy elitists, industrialists, oil barons, corporations, business owners, retirees, government employees, elected officials and power brokers.    -RKO-    08/21/08  

  4. s*x is free - you can even get paid to do it!

  5. I don't know why they have more kids other than heck, they are living better than the rest of us.  I have had 2 different neighbors who keep on having kids because it works for them. Let's see we pay their rent, buy their food(which by the way they have more to spend on groceries than I do each month), pay for the medical bills of their kids, and give them spending money, all the while all they have to do is party and lay on their backs having babies.  Now I am not against helping people who are trying to help themselves, those who are only there because they are trying and working just like the rest of us not living for a hand out and as soon as they can stand on their feet they take care of themselves.

  6. Boredom can do alot of damage to your lifestyle. So what next best thing to do but to start breeding them kids.

  7. Because it makes so much more sense in their simple heads to take my tax dollars and keep suckling the governmental t*t. why should those lazy hapless people go get jobs? The answer is because so so many of them are too retarded to even be hired by McDonalds!!!  

  8. Because the get more money per child. Pump 'um  out. Whose you daddy?

  9. each kids means more govt money. they get free day care called public school and each kid has a different daddy to boot. Isn't the war on poverty just great?

  10. well u can also ask why do rich white kids who have everything still kill themselves shoot up schools sniff glue and r not happy at all. poor people who dont have jobs r having s*x too much aint nothing else to do

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