
Why do women only trust women when it comes to babysitting?

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even though women hurt abuse kids as much as men




  1. It's a great question, and frankly there's no sound basis for this.  I simply "associate" normal women with a degree of inherent love, but in the era of modern Feminism, I no longer would feel comfortable leaving my child with a woman unless I can validate that she's not a feminist.

    If she's a feminist, I'd rather leave my child with a registered s*x offender than with a modern Feminist as the latter poses a greater threat to my child.

    For this reason, I strongly support that anyone who affiliates themselves with modern Feminism be registered for close scrutiny such that they aren't allowed access to children.

  2. b/c its more of a motherly instinct that they are looking for. most women just "know" how to care for kids while most men need to "learn from experiences".

  3. Instinct.

  4. When we were kids my mom trusted boys, and none of us were ever touched.  Yes, women are very abusive.  I know of one who sexually abused her son; to this day he hates her.

  5. it seems that women have the motherly instinct. women have more emotions than men, maybe tht relates

  6. cause women got this "motherly" know "lupa capitolina"?she was the she wolf that nursed the twins romulus and remus when they were found on the riverbed crying..instinctively,the she wolf fed them with her milk,that made them live..hope this helped you understand a little.

  7. that's because sumtimes men are tempted to rape the baby and of course women are much more aware of these things since a lot of news have reported abou this...and women are just concerned about the baby, it simply shows how much they love their baby..and guys would u just try to control urself that we...women...could trust u

  8. A true feminist will always go with whomever is cheaper.

    I can imagine a feminist going to rally to protest aka low women wages, then telling a qualified female babysitter that minimum wage is too much.

  9. Because I work with s*x offenders and believe me it AINT the women doing most of the offending...

  10. Most pedophiles are men, but most men aren't pedophiles.  Child advocate, John Walsh (of America's Most Wanted), recommends men not be hired as babysitters.  His son Adam was kidnapped and killed around 30 years ago.  It's not really fair, but you can understand the hesitancy, right?  That's not to say most women wouldn't trust close male friends or relatives.

  11. Women DON'T abuse kids "just as much as men."  Women see that most men just don't want to spend much time around children, even their own.   And let's not forget that most molesters happen to be males. (I did not say that all men are rapists!)  It looks strange to many people when males want to babysit.  I happen to know many females who were molested or raped by a male babysitter.  None were ever molested by females.  Most parents just aren't comfortable with male babysitters.  Go ahead and ask them.  I did.

    I don't agree that child care is better suited for females.  That is another sexist theory and I disagree with it.  I am a woman and I have absolutely no interest in it.  Not all women have motherly instinct or desire to be mothers at all.

    The people with the thumbs-down are clueless.

  12. women are naturally motherly and have a natural instinct to take care of a child. And men are more known for abusing.

  13. Child care is typically female. I say, babysitting can be either as the best person for the child should be the deciding factor.

  14. it is a true statement. i only trust women for babysitting cause i see them as a more caring figures. i have only has fm for babysitters.

  15. I don't believe women abuse children as much as men. I believe most women have somewhat of a maternal instinct that would prevent them from wanting to harm children. It happens but men are more inclined to take part in this kind of behavior. I feel that overall a woman is just better for that kind of job. Men seem more irresponsible. I just wouldn't feel safe leaving my child with a man unless it was my husband. Also I have a pretty strong distrust of men due to several experiences in my life which would add to that fear.

  16. Well usually because woman know what their doing more then men do, especially with kids..Im not saying all woman..Just mostly..

    Men are perverts. Not all.

  17. They trust them in other things too besides babysitting.. like cooking =D

  18. Because a man that wants to babysit. is strange indeed

  19. Actually, when a recent question was asked about male or female babysitters, most of the women said they'd be OK with it if he were qualified...most of the MEN said they wouldn't.

    Let's find out why THAT disparity exists.

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