
Why do women say this? Are they serious?

by Guest64797  |  earlier

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I know this is a break up line

"I hope that you can find someone better than me."

What is the whole point in saying that lol. Makes no sense.

Then I wound out she was cheating?

I need some answers from some women now so I am postin the question here.




  1. I don't think it's a gender thing. When people break up they will say something to soften the blow, to try and make you feel better.

  2. If your girlfriend cheated on you. Go take it out on her not us. It seems very infantile to assume we are all the same as your S****y girlfriend. I do not blame men because some cheat and beat women. Perhaps you need to pick better women the next time.

  3. Lots of men and women use pathetic lines to get out of relationships since they're cowards. They don't want to deal with a scene. The truth was this woman was stepping out on you and was being a jerk-but she didn't want to deal with a scene and took the cowardly way out. I'm glad - now you can find someone decent. How do you know if someone is decent? Watch what they do-not what they say. It's easy to talk nice-it's harder to act nice if you're a jerk. But some can do it-but there's nothing you can do about the psychos.

  4. It screams low self-esteem because the woman is so full of low self-esteem she can barely breathe.

  5. Maybe she meant someone that was a better fit for you, because I once said that to someone haha.

    Sorry that you got cheated on, but isn't it good that she broke up with you b/c why would you want to stay with someone like that?

    I did use the "You can find someone better than me" line, because I truly didn't think me and this guy were a good fit.

  6. She was being realistic in this case, she wasn't good for you (better can mean better for you, or a better person objectively. You can consider yourself to be fairly immoral and still have good self esteem). It's usually used either to let them know they don't hate you, to be polite, or to save their own feelings, and it is used by men as often as by women.

  7. You have answered your own question!  You found out she was cheating and she said she hopes you find someone better than her.  She hopes you find someone who won't cheat on you...  So do I.  No-one should have to put up with that!

  8. I think what they are saying is you don't think they are good enough for you.

  9. personally, i've never used this line

  10. You said in the question why do women say it, but you only mention that your ex-girlfriend said it to you - who happened to cheat on you .  That is NOT a normal break-up line - you DO want to find someone better than her - so what is the problem?  Good luck finding someone better!  She is NOT all women.

  11. it means shes seeing someone better so u should too.i use that line all the time to people i wanna break up with to get with someone else.

  12. Frankly, it means "You're not the one for me"..

  13. Different people have different motives for cheating. Sounds like she regretted her cheating and felt as though it were a weakness, so she's hoping you find someone better than her that won't be as weak.

  14. it depends on the situation. i've personally never said it...but every1 is diff with diff reasons 4 sayin diff things.  I've kinda said it by saying i'm not good enough 4 u.....but thats only cause i was dealing with a cocky man 4 about 5 yrs, drawing the conclusion that the reason we were not together was cause i wasnt good enough 4 him (n his mind anyway)............idk

  15. It could mean one of two things:

    1.) "I actually think I'm too good for you, but I'm going to make you think I'm not by saying this to make you feel better. Perhaps there is someone out there hotter, smarter and more fun to be around than me...but good luck finding her"

    2.) "I feel terrible about something I did. You seriously don't deserve me and I really do feel awful about what I did. I hope one day you find happiness with someone who treats you better than I do" since she cheated, she might have actually meant what she said. I don't think it has anything to do with low self esteem...people with low self esteem probably wouldn't initiate the break up since they seek attention and reassurance.

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