
Why do women sync menstrual cycles?

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Why is it that when women who either live together or spend alot of time together, do they slowly sync menstrual cycles?





  1. 'Women do NOT Sync their cycles'.

    It's the pheromone factor in nature that does this 'sync'~ing, and NOT the Women.


  2. To combine our PMS powers and annoy men even more.

  3. They have traversed the lumniferous aether.

  4. because men decided that 4 crazy women for 1 week was better than 1 crazy women a week for 4 weeks

  5. easy if a man were to come along looking to breed and only one female was fertile he would pick that one whereas if they all copy each other they remove any potential advantages another women of the group might have

  6. I don't know but thought it was interesting to hear the dominate female will get their first.

  7. its just to get all the hysteria over and done with in the shortest amount of time, society would be thrown into chaos if this did not happen especially now that women are allowed drive cars, work and vote.

  8. when i was younger i had a close group of female friends we spent most days together and realised that we all had the same cycle, they was 7 of us!! its a strange thing....

  9. Pheromones

  10. Very good question!

    I have a friend who lives 150miles away from me - we talk about once a week on the phone, after about 2years of knowing each other we realised that our cycles were in sync!

    I mean, how the h.ell did that happen?

    Hope someone has a sensible reply!

  11. We are all One,

  12. Main Reason is survival and fertility. With the cycles in sync you are in theory also at your most fertile at the same time. So if one (or all) get pregnant there would be other females with children at the same time that can offer support - That is the up side of things . The down side is that we all want to tear the place apart at the very same time . My husband now knows when the household is in turmoil - both he and my son go out for the night allowing us ladies to come to terms with all the unpleasant side of our tempers.!

    P.S: Links below are good and helpful

  13. not sure but if you find out could you tell the other 5 girls in my office, that this isn't fair!!!!!!!!!! My cycle used to be normal until they started introducing women into my office and now it's all haywire!!!! :0)

  14. I read about how women should sync their menstrual cycles with the lunar calendar. In "C_NT:A Declaration of Independence" by Inga Muscio, she explains that the lunar cycle (similar to the menstrual period of every 28 days) helped her to know when she would experience her "painful cramps." She could use this schedule and adjust and prepare for the pain, bloating and cramping emotionally and mentally. It helped through countless periods during these times.

    She felt that the 80 % water, women are composed of has some relationship to the lunar cycle and how the moon phases could sync with her menstraul cycle.

  15. I absolutely believe this to be true - I've always noticed it happening to me. I have had 3 or 4 female room-mates over the years, and sure enough we always ended up 'synchronised'.  

    I'd wondered about it too, and found this article:

    And this one too:

    Have a read. Whether it's a complete mystery, or a theory that can be proved, it definitely happens. Spooky....

  16. Women produce hormones and pheremones that influence the other women around them.  This causes them to slowly sync their cycles.  It's purely biological.

  17. They don't, it's another urban myth!

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