
Why do women tend to date men older than them, but not younger?

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I'm sure it has a lot to do with maturity and security, but is there something else I'm missing?




  1. Its been proven that females mentally mature at a much more rapid pace than men. Hence why they may choose someone older than them. Even though they may be older age-wise, they will be mentally on the same level.

    This can however be flipped, as some women as they get older prefer younger men aka toyboys. This has to do with them missing the excitment in their life, and having someone younger may make them feel more desireable and as if they've 'still got it'.

    Having said all of that however, some people just truly fall in love with people older or younger than them and none of these components come into it!

  2. hmm.. not sure if these are 100% true...

    in most cases women like to date older men because it gives them a sense of security that they can actually protect her.

    Also, if they get married usually the guy have to work but nowadays that it's everything it's becoming more expensive that even the mother has to work, if the couple happens to work in the same place, and the wife is a higher rank, she would feel embarrassed and other people in the workplace might start spreading rumours or other bad things.

    Another reason is that girls needs to be taken care of usually guys that are older give a them more security that she is being cared and their life is more stable.

    another is that girls usually think it's normal for girls to date older guys so they won't get teased.

    if the woman dated a super older man than herself say around 10yrs+ then they're probably after their money.

  3. Some have daddy issues, but mainly, older men, carry themselves off better. They can take them to nice restaurants and being so happy to be dating a younger woman, shower them with gifts.

    So as long as he isn't too old, and I'm not to sure about that, it's usually, because women are more mature than men, at an earlier age.

  4. from personal experience, girls at ages 24+ will start being attracted to guys younger than them. I use to be afraid to pursue older women because i was afraid of rejection right off the bat, but now that i'm my early 20's, women will be attracted to me and later ask about my age and i'll tell them, and it wouldn't matter too much to them. it might be just for a fling though, for a relationship they'll probably want a guy their age or a little older.

  5. mostly maturity.  

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