
Why do women think that good guys are a consolation prize?

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You keep hearing women say that good guys just need to be patient, and eventually women will appreciate them.

Kind of arrogant, don't you think? They think that after they've run around with the bad boy types, and have been subjected to all kinds of mental and physical abuse, then they'll just call up the good guys and dump all of that baggage on them.

Maybe the good guys don't want them and the mess they've created. What are your thoughts?




  1. Women love the "bad boys" when in their teens and twenties, but the day a woman first sees a wrinkle on her face is the day she starts looking for a "nice guy" - usually one who wore glasses that were held together by tape while getting that lucrative engineering degree, because suddenly, she realizes that the party is coming to a close, and she needs a chump to finance the next phase in her life:  motherhood.

  2. This is a female paradox. This answer only applies to women in there 20's. If you were to ask a woman to describe her ideal man. She would answer it with specifics and be direct. Yet, what does she go and do? She goes out that night and falls for a man who posses little to none of the very characteristics she desires. I guess chemistry plays a bigger part in a woman's relationship than she realizes.

  3. I never went for the bad boy type, I went straight to the nice guy. Who I am still with.

  4. Because women want an awful lot of things from men - security, affection, etc.

    But when it comes down to it, why would a woman who was only dating look for these things in a man if she was only going to hang out with him for a while, get to know his anatomy, and then drop him because he's "boring"?

    edit: That's also something of a hypocrisy - you date someone you see as a good guy, and ruin that person's personality thanks to petty whims and wonts.

    I think human society has some quite serious problems, when it comes to the interaction between male and females.

    p.s; There is no such thing as a "good guy", but there is such a thing as a "bad guy".

  5. The kind of women who get stuck with bottomfeeders like to kid themselves that this is a lifestyle they chose - and that one day they will move on from it.

    This is also true of the kind of men who date women held together with lipstick.

    Life is rarely so generous.

  6. By "good guys" I assume you mean weak nerdy losers.  Women want alpha males.  It is perfectly possibly to be an alpha male without being horrible to women.  When women are attracted to "bad boys", it's our awesome masculinity that they are attracted to - our badness is just coincidence.  

    I think maybe you are confusing the terms "good guy" and "wimp". Alpha males can be good guys too - but wimps can't.

  7. It is the same line that good girls are fed, when they are sitting home late on a Saturday night, because they don't have a date, because they don't put out.  They are supposed to wait without s*x until all the men sow their wild oats and then decide that they want to settle down, and expect a good girl to be waiting for them.  

    Maybe the good people should just wise up and go after each other and avoid the waste of youth on "bad" types.  

  8. not all women think that but women who do need to get over their stuff before entering another relationship  

  9. Some of your points are valid but often women who date these people may not know what there really like until its to late and a lot of damage has been done. Some men pretend to be the good guy get the girl then he can revert back to type. But why do the so called good guys wait for women that openly date fools? Why do they not look elsewhere for someone that meets there standards? Cause they maybe want a bad girl lol someone with a skirt like a belt and who you never bring home to your mother! lol So both genders when it comes to this are more alike than different. After all many good guys are at the bars looking at the crude bad girls, there not seeking the pretty library girls who are shy and quite but have a brain and a life lol So its not just women men do this also!

  10. I never wanted a 'bad boy'.Are you only referring to very young or very stupid women? Most intelligent women want a nice person rather than a bad boy. But I do expect also a nice looking person because I keep myself looking good.

  11. Maybe they mean that eventually the right woman will come around, not the jerk women will give up n go for the nice guy when they get desperate. I know lots of guys who claimed they were good guys but they werent. the truely good guys i know get taken up pretty fast. like my fiance, a gooood guy n i grabbed him up wen i found him! so maybe some of these so-called nice guys are self-deluded.  

  12. Eventually most boys and girls grow up.

  13. TrollShark drilled it from downtown.  The Good Guys are held in reserve by women until they become thirtysomething single moms looking for a bill payer.

    It is arrogance, and it will fuel the ongoing marriage strike in the West.  As the saying goes, "If the kitten wouldn't play with me, I don't want the cat."

    Expect more American men to pursue romantic opportunities overseas in the future, IMBRA be d_mned.

  14. so true i think its bs and that wemon who think we will  just wait for them to get through that and then dump it on us

  15. i would only want a good guy all the time. i would never want to date a bad boy in the first place.  

  16. you obviously going out with idiots. i wen for a good guy and my husband has many similar personality traits as my dad. my dad and my husband are honest, loyal, trustworthy men who are happy to have a wife that pursues their own career and splits chores and childcare accordingly. i met my husband at 18 and didnt go out with 'bad boys'

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