
Why do women think they have a right to park in the fire lane just because they have b*****s?

by  |  earlier

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I'm an ardent feminist. I loved the story of the first wave of the women's right movement, and I wish there was some way I could help with that work now.

So dont be quick to judge...

This comes under 'pet peeves',perhaps - or just maybe I'm so principle-oriented that even though I find women's position needs support for so many reasons, when I DO see those same women TAKING ADVNTAGE unfairly themselves, then that same passionate heart of mine leaps over to the side it's actually on, the side of whoever's being taken advantage of, whichever s*x it is.

It just really truly annoys me to see women sitting in the firelane, doing their nails,acting like theyve got a perfect right. They dont! I can't park there. And you rarely SEE men try. I mean there just isnt a reason to, its only a short tiny walk!

The women that do this are ENTIRELY taking advantage of that they have b*****s, simply put, and just so they can be utterly lazy, and no decent real actual reason.




  1. You need better law enforcement where you live if women (anybody really) can get away with this.  It doesn't happen around here.

    Is this really a common thing?  I've seen people pull into the fire lane to pick up somebody who's waiting at the door, but I've only seen one person ever actually park their car there.  Yes, it was a woman who stopped to get a drink out of the machine that was outside of the grocery store I worked at.  She was there maybe 2 minutes, which could still  be bad, as there was a guy who had a heart attack when I worked there once.  But that's it for parking, at least that I've ever noticed.  And trust me, I notice when people park illegally, it's a big pet peeve of mine.

  2. I have seen both men and women in the fire lane.  Usually men waiting for a woman.

  3. What? You mean I can park in the fire lane because of my b*****s? Why wasn't I told?

    Seriously, I see guys do this all the time, too. (None of them had b*****s, BTW.)

  4. Now let me get this right ~ women, with b*****s are parking in something called 'the fire lane' and you're not happy about it?

    Call the fire lane cops.

    BTW, just out of curiosity, is it more likely to be big or small breasted women, and how many of thm are feminists as opposed to anti=feminists?

    Curiouser and curiouser ...

    Cheers :-)

  5. I think it's because a cop is less likely to give them a ticket.

    Go boobies!

  6. they have b*****s..........

    men like to look at them and we dont care if they are in the fire lane, handicap parking or 10 items or less lane. we like titties.

    and yes, they have a right to park there, until the female cop with bigger b***s sees them doing so and they get a ticket. of course they'll scream " i didnt know i couldnt park there!!!!!!!!" all the time while guys are looking at their b***s shaking up and down. its because of these body parts that we want them, if not for those, we wouldnt want them and would call the cops ourselves.

  7. Because they do, of course.

  8. I never heard schmeeezer say women were utterly lazy, JO.

    I heard him say the women parking in the firelane are being lazy, since it's illegal, unsafe, they have no compelling reason for being there, and it's only a short walk.

    Thus, JO, I suggest IT WAS VERY "LAZY" OF YOU not to read the question properly.

    AND maybe you were just loking for reasons to harp on a man anyway, huh?

  9. there are a lot of women like that...they feel that they are too cute and perky and feel that they can do whatever they want....all they need to do is show some cleavage..flash a seductive smile and toss their hair..sickens me that they would stoop so low,..and then they have the right to say that they don't like being called a hoochie or a s*x symbol or that men needs to respect them  for who they that is some pure sister is like that..she would flirt with dudes like crazy and sends them the wrong message and then she would get mad if they ask her to sleep with them and whatnot....your the one that gave out the message..don't get mad....females..i can't stand next life..i wanna be a New York rat...

  10. This question based on a false assumption. I see PLENTY men parked in the fire lane.

  11. I hate it when people park in front of stores and get the pedestrians practically killed-I see this among both men and women. I park far from the store so I don't have to deal with these morons and so I can easily get in and out of a parking space without getting hit by someone trying to speed by to the store. You'd think Americans were allergic to walking or something.

  12. It's the same reason why people park in handicapped spaces without having the required permits or they abuse a genuinely handicapped family members privileges by parking in them. These people are lazy and inconsiderate.

  13. i know a guy who was overweight and rich.. he parked in the fire lane all the time...the ticket - if he did get one- was no sweat off his back.

    moreover, many men get out of tickets --they often carry a PAL card b/c their chums are're fooling yourself if you think only women get out of paying tickets or doing things like parking in a fire lane.

    women are "utterly lazy"? - i think you're masquerading as a feminist. could you say that to any other group (and get away with it?)

    perhaps you have "booby envy"

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