
Why do women want it all in a man....?

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They want....

the romance

the money

the guy with the education

nice home

nice cars

guy to have fun with

All of this dont mean you will be happy with him

or does it?

To tell you the truth there are no enough hours in the day for all of that lol.

Sorry but you can have it all you know.

why cant some look at a guy realistically?

10 points fo best answer!

give me your insight from a woman's perspective please lol

I know I am over analying again. I will hear it from one of my contacts lol <3




  1. Well those are so good things to have, but they mean nothing if the man is not right for you. I am blessed to have a good man that loves me unconditionally, he has potential to bring financial wealth into our relationship (although I am not depending on it because I will have my own), but most of all he gives me something that money can not buy. He gives me love! I just so happen to have a man to gives/ will give me all of those things but it  is not always at the same time. That man is not a robot! LOL

  2. Sometimes having all of those things; at least some of them does not mean for a happy relationship.  I know a woman who married into money, has a beautiful home, beautiful car and he&#039;s well educated; however her marriage lacks romance, her husband, put it this way, even a barrel full of plastic monkeys lying on the kitchen table is more fun than he.  

  3. I never really thought coherently about what I wanted in a man when I was young.  I just drifted into relationships and then drifted out when they bored me, which was often quite soon (I have a very short attention span).

    I never thought about cars, money, homes or education.  I just went out with men I felt attracted to, even though it often didn&#039;t last.  Romance and fun I enjoyed, the other stuff didn&#039;t mean much to me at all.

  4. Not all women want all that.  Yes, I want a guy who is fun to be around.  Why would I like him if he wasn&#039;t?  Of course I want a guy with an education, how else woould we engage in all those wonderful &quot;debates&quot;?  Money?  Not that big of a deal to me.  Given the chance, I would live in the jungle with monkey butlers, anyway.  I&#039;ll live in a grass hut to be with a really nice guy, so scratch ot the nice house.  I&#039;ll live in a grass hut, anyway.  Not too fond of cars, give me a hybrid or a motorbike or I&#039;ll go on foot.  The romance?  I don&#039;t want him to play Romeo all day long, but a simple stroll along the beach or a  picnic at night in the park wouldn&#039;t hurt.

    Not all girls have a check-of list of what they want in a guy.  I just want someone fun to be around, able to goof off or have an intellectual conversation with.  I&#039;m still in high school, so I can&#039;t expect much &quot;higher&quot; education.  But once I do get out of college, I want the guy to be able to debate stuff with me and, every once in a while, maybe even manage to outwit me.  ;D

  5. to be honest i never thought of what i need in a guy ...its just you meet somebody that isnt perfect of course nd u get along with his flaws.i think that women who put that list just will never be happy with the men they meet

  6. because that&#039;s how the hero is described in romance novels

  7. Well, some guys want the women to have the looks, money, education,

    nice cars, and nice home. They want the women to have it all and be s*x kittens, too. You&#039;re right, who has the time to be all those things?

    I totally agree that character and heart heads the list of desirable qualities. The others are just a bonus.

  8. Alright, basically if a man is not from Texas or Portugal, it&#039;s simply impossible to meet the demands of a modern Feminist.  But normal women don&#039;t need all this crazy business from a man.  They just need a compassionate human being being who loves them unconditionally.

  9. I think you have it wrong.  When you cross a confident, independent woman you will find that some of these things are not important.  For example, I could care less about his home since I have my own.  I don&#039;t give a hoot what car he drives since I have a nice one myself (and we just go everywhere in mine).  I do want a man with an education because I have one but I don&#039;t care if he makes a c**p load of money because I have my own money to spend.  

    Do we want romance?  Sure, but you&#039;ll find that a level headed woman can looked beyond that.  If we find a great guy who may not be that romantic, we shrug, say &quot;roses would be nice but oh well&quot; and move on.  We don&#039;t NEED it.

    As for having fun, this is a quality that BOTH genders want, so I don&#039;t know why you have that one in the mix.  I should have fun with him because I&#039;m a fun person.

    But in the end, you just have to find a realistic woman (and there are many out there).  The media paints us as the woman you describe but, as usual, the media falls short of reality and you&#039;ll find plenty of level headed women who can appreciate a man for what he is and without demanding a long list of qualities.

  10. I dont think that women look specifically for those things. But what they do look for are the characteristics of their father, assuming they had a healthy relationship with their father. And my daddy broke the mold. I want someone that will love me unconditionally and hopefully the things that you mentioned will come with them.  

  11. from this womans perspective you have it all wrong.

    the romance - not particularly bothered abot &#039;romance&#039; in te flowers, being wined and dined sense. i wanted my husband to be loving, have a high s*x drive (to keep up with mine), god to talk to, fun to be around.

    the money - he had no money when we met. i owned my own 1 bed flat. i had a mortgage of £54K on it and £6000 in equity. we were both in air force training when we met on exactly the same pay. we have a daughter now but i still work part time and make an ok wage (soon to get better a year left of degree to go)

    the guy with the education - we are getting degrees now but when i met him he only had GCSEs (what you get when you leave school in England)

    nice home - as I said i had the home. we made a lot of money from that and have bought a bigger place now. its half his though and i dont view it more mine than his.

    nice cars - he has a car that he bought for £1000. i only go in it about twice a wek. he uses it for work. i dont drive i walk most places as my town is small (dont like going in cars short distances bad for the environment and i like the fresh air)

    guy to have fun - yeah i will give you that one!

    i wanted a trustworthy, faithful husband, who wanted children, was fun to be with, good to talk to and enjoyed s*x. thats what i got when i met my husband at 18. money isnt important love, family and living the best life you can is. hope you se all women arent like that. hope you find the one :)

  12. some women is materialistic &amp; want to live in fantasies.. they feel more secure if the man have it all...

    but hey, there still a woman doesn&#039;t give a d**n if the man he loves is not like that...

    you&#039;re missing in action for almost 3days...

    it&#039;s good that you back...

  13. I&#039;m going to block you now, there&#039;s only so much a person can read!!!

    You know Tupac is dead!!!

    I wouldn&#039;t want the same fate for you!!!

  14. You are wearing me down Guido .....  lol!  I got nada to say...  You make me speechless...  

    Hey perhaps being alone is just gonna be your thing...  GRRR... lol!  YOU WIN at least for now...  

    Awww, that makes me a lil sad for you....  Heart loves when there is happy endings...  

    I hear you and you do make a valid point Guido...  Hey if nothing else I met one funny guy....  :o)   Have yourself a wonderful night...  ONE DAY no one will cheat...  READ between the lines on that one!   :o)

    We are all learning, even me....  Step by step , with only what we put into it...  

    Heart says goodnight Guido....

    LOL!  Goodnight Hot chile bean...

  15. Same reason guys want it all in a woman.

    What you want and what you get are usually two different things though, and very often, as you get older you realise that a lot of what you want is actually not what you wanted at all.

    Cheers :-)

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