
Why do women want to have children?

by  |  earlier

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Just an honest question, i asked my girlfriend this and she couldn't answer.




  1. They just do. It's hard to explain that gut feeling that a baby is exactly what your life needs. Personally, being a mum is what i'm good at! I was always the motherly one out of my sisters and everyone said i'd make a good mum (which hopefully i have!) and it just felt very natural.

  2. Its just an inner instinct to have a child. Most women want to care and nurture a child.

  3. Most people (men and women alike) have biological urges to have children. It's the way our species has maintained itself. There is also the emotional joy that children bring into our lives. I'm not suggesting that women are unfulfilled without children, but I would have been.

  4. Well for the record, I am a woman, and I don't want children. My husband and I are childless by choice, and have been happily married for 13 years. This is not to say that we are kid ogres. So to answer your question "not every woman" wants children.  

  5. They want children because they're desperate to keep the human race going.

  6. All species have a a basic instinct to reproduce themselves.  In humans the instinct is more variable than in most other animals,meaning that some humans don't want to have children.  But most do, and it's normal and natural.

  7. its a natural life cycle of a woman,usually a man (maybe not in ur shoes)

    every woman is naturally made to give birth (well almost every unless sick etc)

    so yeah..thats my idea....what do u think anyway? do u want kids? and how old are you

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