
Why do women want to pursue an education?

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Do women go to school because they want a back up plan just incase things don't work out...or do they truely want to pursue a career in their field...(just curious don't bite my head off!!!!)




  1. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Fascinating Womanhood's star student.

  2. Why do men want to go to school? So they can have a backup plan in case asking dumb *** questions like this doesn't work out?  

  3. Women want to do that simply because it 'looks fun' and 'many other people are doing it'; similar to their reasons for having babies at young ages. I really doubt the decisions (generally) to be impelled or the product of intense introspection on their part.

    Answer this question about "women & p**n" for me man;...


    Oh, some of you disagree? Well ask yourself this: 'if women really wanted to pursue education would they so often study in such unassuming fields? Why aren't they (in much higher incidences) studying the hard sciences or business fields if they are TRULY INTERESTED in pursuing education for it's own sake?'

  4. So we don't have to trade s*x for food, clothing, and shelter if we don't want to.

    Children were my backup plan, school and self-reliance were always my primary goal.

  5. Education is important to me because I love learning, and I value intellect in my mates, friends, and people I choose to surround myself with.

    If I gather all my friends at a bar, club, in the Army, or some other shallow intellectual river's banks, I'll be sure to off myself before I'm 30. Colleges and universities, while not the bastion of higher thought they once were, are still ones best bet at finding people whose mental gauge swings past insipid and vapid... or at least never stays stuck at cretin.

    Frankly I despair for this generation.

    Anyhow, even if I met my soulmate and knew we'd never part, I'd still want an education, and a career I love. It's part of the life I have planned out.  

  6. In the cases of me and my girlfriends, we care very much about our careers. It's not nearly as common as it was for women to get a "just-in-case" degree.

  7. I personally am pursuing a college education because I have always been told by my mother to take care of myself.  Over 50 percent of marriages end in divorce.  What happens if you have never had a job or an education?  Who's going to pay your bills and support you and all of your luxuries?  With this said, I would prefer to contribute to a relationship in order for it to move forward at a little bit faster speed.  It is difficult and stressful for one person to carry the load for two.  I also feel having an education beyond high school gives you a sense of purpose and an understanding of ones own self.

    If you are with a woman who is pursuing a higher education, support her!  Know that it probably has nothing to do with a lack of trust in you to be able to support her, but the need for her own self worth.  

  8. Back up plan? whaaaa?

    I pursue an education because I want to make lots and lots of my OWN money. =0D And it's fun to learn different things.

    I am not going to rely on some man to pay my way thank you very much.  

  9. Education is not the same as "job training".

    If you had any, you would know.

    Why do you guys choose to remain uneducated?

    I find it baffling.

  10. Depends :-)

    Some ladies are career conscious and do plan their careers seriously. I went to school because I was sent there. I was not serious till much later (till I did my post-graduation). I work now and I like it. I will continue till I retire I think.

    Not everyone wants to study and work though. Some like to stay at home and be housewives.

    Yes, there may be some who do it because they don't want to be dependent later. Some do it because they see others around them do it and think that they would be considered 'old-fashioned' if they didn't.  

  11. Women don't go to college anymore to earn the MRS degree, we actually want to better our minds, ourselves and have great options for the future.  Yes, they sincerely want a career in their field and I know many women who have left their boyfriends for their career paths, so that is hardly waiting around for Prince Charming.

  12. Well, education is compulsory in the UK until you are sixteen, after that you can do what you like.  When I was young, most girls (and most boys come to that) did not stay at school after sixteen, but now most of them seem to stay on until 18,and enormous numbers are going on to university.  Most of those who do go on to higher education seem to be interested in having a career of some kind.  However, there is a very high drop-out rate from English universities, and I suspect that a lot of people nowadays are going who are simply not suited to an academic education.

  13. Because I find it interesting to learn new things. And so I can have a career I enjoy and so I don't have to spend my life working in menial jobs. I'm going to spend the next thirty or so years working so I might as well do something that gives me job satisfaction. Back up plan in case what doesn't work out? Winning the lottery?? Even if I did win the lottery I would still want to work.

  14. In my parents day, women went to college in case their spouse died or got sick or left them. I went to college as I wanted to do something that I could support myself with-if I got married that was ok, if I was single that was ok too. Personally, I like knowing I can support myself and prefer my partner can too, so if anything happens, they'll be ok without me.  

  15. women want an education the same reason you want an education.

    a better future.. life .. etc. && also so we don't have to depend on some stupid guy to support us.  

  16. Would you rather  women be drooling idiots who don't know 2+2 =, wait, what was I talking about...

    Is this really a serious question? You can't be that ignorant, you just can't.

    Just in case what doesn't work out? The multi-millionaire sweeping me off my feet and providing me a life of luxury and eating bon-bons while my equally uneducated maid cleans around me? So just how far should women be allowed to go in school? Learning to write their name or passing home ec?

  17. women also have ambitions lol

  18. So we don't have to rely on men who ask this question.

  19. for the same reason men want to go to school.  

    you ask this question as if women were a different species.  we are not animals, we are more humane than men- and if you really want to be married to a dumb girl, that doesnt say much for your character. women go to school because it is their RIGHT to learn and to succeed.  Men have been keeping women in the dark because they know the power we hold over them.  even an uneducated women knows her body is her own- and that if she withholds s*x, she can get anything she wants from her pursuer.

    I have a dream that someday, men will see themselves as they truly are and be humbled before women as their true power is finally allowed to shine.

    edit- to the loser who actually thinks pursuing the arts or other "unusable" fields is a "woman thing"- you are a moron who needs to take a few college courses yourself.  there is more to the world than science and business.  Women think with their heads not with the genitals.  though as previously stated, we are smart enough to use our "gd given talents" to humble men.  and why is it women do p**n? because you morons buy it!!!

  20. Women CAN have interests, you know.

  21. Women go to school for the exact same reasons men go to school...that is all that I am going to say.  

    If it helps you to figure this out, think of women and men as EQUAL.  Am I getting through to you?  Good.

  22. I truly want to pursue a career. But education isn't just about careers. It's about being intelligent.

  23. I don't know, why do you speak through your ***?

  24. Mostly to learn stuff.

    Cheers :-)

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