
Why do women want to rule men?

by  |  earlier

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Many women write about one day they will rule men. How does ruling men make them "equal" to men?




  1. well, everybody have their own ambitions.. so be it

  2. How does the need for patriarchy that everyone keeps throwing around (including you) make men equal to women?

    I am a women and I have NO desire to rule over anyone. I have No* desire to be ruled. Do you have any understanding of what a lot of guys are like? Women are constantly bickering with each other because we know how s**+**y some women can be. Have you ever thought about how the women who didn't have any control or rights survived? I am no feminist but you shouldn't be one to talk when it comes to ruling over. I think we are all different but very very equal...Do you?

  3. As to the why...I can't give a comprehensive answer to this question as this belief is completely outside my realm of thought and understanding.

    As for the how...Nothing about this scenario embodies equality.

  4. it doesn't; only our walking side by side can do that.

    Why do women want to rule men? I don't have an answer for that precisely; however, many believe that it is their turn to rule.

  5. Wow, your right! It is stupid for any think they can "rule" anyone else. At some point it will come to an end. Absolute power will corrupt itself!

  6. This is the result of the misandry of feminism in the modern era.  Much academic coursework, even at the undergrad. level, is taught by highly misandristic academicians who use extensive literature to suggest to unwitting young minds that men are inherently evil and need to be either eradicated or somehow under the dominion of feminists (as men are deemed an inferior member of society, in fact, a defective member of the species).

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