
Why do women wear open-toed shoes on the subway/rapid transit?

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Don't they know that the odds are pretty good getting your feet stepped on! Yesterday a lady cursed at me for stepping on her toes when the subway was jammed with people at rush hour!




  1. Well, I wasn't aware of a dress code on the subway so women can wear what they want but I guess they should be prepared for the occassional toe stepping. I wouldn't know...I don't take subways.

  2. Because they expect people to still use manners perhaps even when it is really crowded? Maybe I'm not like most, but even when it is really crowded I still try and look out for those around me, try to make sure I don't injure anyone or get injured myself.

  3. Because they're into fashion!

  4. For the same reason you see women in high heels at amusement parks!  Go figure!

  5. You should have told that woman next time wear a steel toe shoes.

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