
Why do women where short tight shorts & small T-shirt and get mad when u look at them?

by  |  earlier

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at my school there are a lot of extremly beautiful girls, than there are some that are S****y...they where short shorts and they make their butt stand out and shirt that show giant b***s, but when guys look at them the guy ends up on the floor, with his face hurting from a slap... i dont get if u girls dont want that attention than why are u tempting us?....WHY!!!!!!! WHY!!!!!!!!!...srry bout that, but it is true thats like saying,,. "all u have to do to never go over weight is take one step, but we cemneted ur feet to the ground..." that was kinda steryotypical but im just say why do u tempt us with that stuff and than smack us when we take the bait...btw i know most girls dont do that but hey its happened to a binch of my friends...its fun to watch, but not fun to experience i hope it nevers happens to me




  1. Because they're women, you'll learn they do many, many things that will just boggle the mind.  It's just best to let it be, since if you even try to understand it there's a very good chance your brain will overload and pop.

  2. cause its gross!!

    give them a smile or so but dont stare for a long time

    answer mine?;...

  3. ummmmm you're tempting yourself, we want to look good for ourselves, not for you stupid men...ugh...

  4. Because as you said...theyre sl*ts.

    I know heaps of girls that dress like s****s. And then me and my best friends dress...well...normal.

    Its just them. and try not to be tempted by it.  

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