
Why do women with post natal depression often shoplift....?

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.....or is it just on TV that happens a lot.




  1. cry for help

  2. I think this is probably something that your just seeing on tv I don't think its a fact or anything.

    I would guess people who have any type of depression and who shoplift are mainly doing it to get a buzz out of it- the adrenaline feeling just so that for a short while they can feel something other than the darkness inside. Others possibly do it because they just give up and don't care if they are caught. Some may want to be caught as a cry for help. Others may not even realise they are doing it.

    loads of reasons but I dont think people with PND shoplift anymore than other people with forms of depression or mental illness etc


  3. any excuse to shop for free - we're not stupid you know, even us blond ones!!

  4. coz we all know that feeling when we buy something new how good it feels.

    how you cant wait to get it home and try it on, well that's why coz they just want to feel good

  5. It can often be a cry for help

  6. On which scientific paper did you base your question?

  7. Haha.  That sounds like over blown TV and not at all like reality.

  8. Just on telly

  9. because babies are so darn expensive

  10. post natal depression is a very serious condition and can make a woman very ill indeed

  11. Usually to lighten them or for pleasure. The fear of getting caught is a turn on and the danger as well. Sometimes even to get deliberately caught, as a reach out to help. I'm not sure if it is over publisised like on TV but those are usually the reasons.  

  12. some women suffer a real blackness during this illness & it's often a cry for help too.....PLUS - they need 4 pairs of shoes, 6 dresses & a new coat - but have no money...he he!!

  13. Even depressed women appreciate new bags and shoes. I think it's probably a stereotype more often portrayed on TV than in life.

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