
Why do worms come out after it rains?

by  |  earlier

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i always wondered that.....they are all over the sidewalks and roads.




  1. Dew.

  2. The concentration of oxygen in their environment is too low during heavy downpours, because the soil gets saturated.  They come to the surface to avoid suffocation.  During light rain there is still air in the soil, so they do not need to surface.

  3. The annwer is obvious. Their holes get filled with water, so they have to crwal out

  4. carbonic acid form in their burrows

  5. They get the sensation of drowning, and want higher ground, they can't swim,

  6. They feel the vibration of the rain and come up for a drink...good for fishing!

  7. Well..the rain fills up their homes (since they live underground) and they have to go out onto the road where it is moist, but they don't drown.

  8. Because the dirt is moist and they like hot and humid especially after the rain

  9. their underground homes flood

  10. so they can breath. Oxygen from air or water passes directly from their outer cuticle into their blood vessels.

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