
Why do yahoo refer to the irish rugby team as the rep. of ireland?

by  |  earlier

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rugby in ireland is regarded as a 32 county sport so the whole of the island of IRELAND is reperesented




  1. Its because you have the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland

  2. hmmmm.........good question

  3. Because they are ignorant Americans.

  4. Which Yahoo?

    Y!A and other parts of Yahoo are organized generally -- that Irish Rugby crosses a politically division doesn't fit readily into that, so it would be a compromise.

    Re anything U.S. in origin, U.S. Americans are generally clueless about these sorts of things. Complex historic layers of identity just aren't in our mindset.

    As for anything out of London, why would something like that get past the beligerence of their cluelessness?

    Keep saying it and some of us will learn.

  5. 2 points please. Thanks.

  6. if they do they are wrong as ulstermen play for ireland in union

  7. Just because people do. Most people outside Ireland refer to any part of Ireland, north or south, as Ireland. The team represents the whole island, not just the 26 counties. I've also heard a lot of hardline loyalists refer to it as the republic and call their own people traitors for either supporting or playing for the team. Its only really small minded people from the North of Ireland who refer to the two parts of Ireland separately

  8. Quite right.It's the same when they call Britain..England.

  9. Probably because they play in Dublin they assume they are from the south. You and I know that Ireland represent the north and south unlike the football teams that represent either.

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