
Why do you Americans continue to support a govt that is responsible for destabilizing the world?

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Economy, oil supplies, food cost's and world peace?

what is it that make you think Might is right?

Why do you continue to see that your nations reputation is completely ruined?




  1. It had to happen sometime.  The world is about due for another shakeup anyway.

    We haven't had a real Empire change since 1989, if you count the fall of the Soviet Union.  Really, that was 20 years ago.  Its time to play this game again.

    And if you guys aren't going to do it yourselves, then we'll lead they way yet again.

  2. I support my government because it's all we've got at this point.  We're going through the process now to change the direction of this country.  Give us until November.  Obama '08

  3. Party First politics :)

    That is the Bush McCain America that we live in.

    They don't even know what Country First means! lol

  4. Worse than that Scotty.... too many are thinking of voting for a further 4 to 8 years of this. You almost start believing that we deserve everything that is coming to us.

  5. Americans are typically capitalist in nature. We believe that the market should dictate the price of things.

    More importantly, though, whenever something goes wrong in the farthest corner of the world, why does everyone call on America to help them out? Why is it people look to America to send the necessary supplies to fix a country devastated by a tsunami? Hurricane? or terrorist agression?

    Is it because the world doesn't count on Chile?

  6. Destabilizing the world?  Well of all things, now this!  Jealousy IS a

    kick in the butt for some people, isn't it!  

  7. You are clueless to what you are talking about.

    You failed to support your accusations.

    And since when has a socialist ever done any good for any country on earth, that you feel Obama is the solution?

    Stop reading opinion pages and go to Barnes & Noble and read books on how the economy works. Better yet, get a hold of the book "The Creature from Jekyll Island." You'll understand why the economy is operating the way it does and George Bush or even Obama cannot fix it.

  8. You are simply deluded in believing that the majority of American support their government. America was founded upon a revolution and dissent.  

    I would go into detail, but I can see that you are a kool-aid drinker.

    EDIT: If you knew, then you would know that not all Americans share your initial premise.  You may find humor in your premise, but I do not.

    Perhaps Australia suits you well.  I recommend that you stay there rather than work on rehabilitating the image of a country who gave you a livelihood.  We don't want deserters, but fighters who believe in America.

    So take your money and run.  Thanks for your service, but please do not criticize a place that you choose to abandon rather than fight for.

  9. Because they're blind. They have a single-sided view of the world and only think about what happens in their homeland. But not all Americans, I hope John McCain won't win.

    I understand you. The problem is that there are few Americans like you who are aware of what their country is/was doing. The public is the victim of being "duped" by the government. I myself live in Central Asia, travelled to the United States, but my sources come from both CNN Al Jazeera and Russian News when I do read the news.

  10. America is still among the greatest countries in the world, take it back from the right wing Conservatives and it will be restored to its former status of the greatest country in the world....

  11. Please explain to us where this bastion of world peace is in the world?

    In case you havent noticed theres fighting going on somewhere all the time.  It was that way before there was a usa and its still that way.

    You know alot of former soviet states who are now independant actually get to run their own economies now.. get to go to the olympics for 'their' country now a sovieet country.  And yea Russia seems to want to have it back the way it was.

    Kosovo,  that destabilization that was there had started a long time ago. And now the UN recognizes it as independant.  And while backing from the UN didnt happen (because of russia and china)

    the usa, along with the uk, canada and a few other nations, went ahead with a NATO force that led to the independence.

    Those are a few things...

    And if peace was going on in the middle east when was it?  

    Im certainly not saying that there hasnt been any destabilization anywhere.  It has happened.  

    Do you remember when the Brits, Dutch and French controlled all the middle eastern as well as other oil?  no prob before your time.. before mine too... but I do try and read up on things so I know what im talking about at least.

    and blah blah blah, im so tired of hearing about the war was illegal.. according to what law?  un security council resolution 1441, read it and all relative resolutions.  Also , once 'again', if you bother to read you will find there have been chemical weapons ( those are wmds) found in Iraq that were supposed to have been destroyed under UN mandate.

    Man stop embarassing yourself.

  12. If you think the United States is responsible for destabilizing the world oil market you may want to do a little research about this little thing called OPEC,  keep in mind food costs go hand in hand with fuel costs.  As far as world peace goes, we do the dirty work of the world that no one else seems to be willing to do.  Our reputation is only ruined to people who don't look at the facts but rely on idealism to guide them through life.

    You don't know much about Obama if you think he is the next great hope.  What leadership has he EVER exhibited in his political career?

    You just lost all credibility by calling the Iraq War "illegal".

  13. Because many Americans are gullible, ignorant and stupid.

  14. I guess our $1 billion donation to help rebuild Georgia doesn't count?! We are not responsible for destabilizing the world. It's amazing how many anti -Americans (dems) like to post on here.

  15. Every nation wanted to become strong. So every son of nation must support their leader.

  16. Jock after watching the republicans last night on TV i am still in shock ever watched a few 1930s German rallies?

    What a bunch of fear mongering lunatics.No wonder so many Americans are shot to f**k watching and listening to that bunch of propaganda

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