
Why do you Dems seem to be hatin tonight?

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Is it because of the Convention? Are you getting worried? You should be.




  1. Hey, I'm loving it. Nice to see a bunch of oldsters hang out waiting for a woman who not only can cook dinner but kill it too.

  2. How hypocritical of Republicans to complain? You guys have been doing the exact same thing to Obama since this campaign began and now your mad that your getting a dose of your own medicine. Typical!

  3. They have been hating since Friday when the best VP was picked!   And they are scared to death!

  4. Why do you ASSume it's dem's?  Last I checked McCain just threw away what remote chance he had of winning with his VP choice.  But drink up the koolaide kiddo and enjoy!

  5. Because they have smoke in thier eyes from all the protests?

  6. not worried about anything but poor old john mccain

    did you know he was pow? i heard that 5000 times tonight and i'm worried about him

  7. They losing. obama has no experience. Hannity and Combs were arguing about one bill obama was for or against..I don't know.

    Palin has a lot more experince that obama. Come on, community organizer.vs...mayor, city council, governor, VP.

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

  8. Thank you!

    McCain/ Palin  08'

  9. Political activists of all stripes tend to be 'hatin' on a fairly regular basis.  The Dem ones might be more vocal at the moment because of the convention.

  10. I'm not worried.

  11. Honestly, my most worrying point was the time between the conclusion of the DNC and prior to McCain's VP announcement. Once he announced Palin, I became calmer and more confident than ever.

  12. What have democrats to worry about..the only thing that I am worried about is that scary image I saw last night at the RNC. Was that a Klan rally or what?

  13. Don't think we're just the ones hating.

    It's coming from both sides, all the time.

    Kind of stupid of everyone to hate, really..

  14. whatever

  15. The hate-filled rhetoric from the left has been ratcheted up since McCain named his VP. And the bad thing most of it has nothing whatsoever to do with politics. It's a shame really.  

  16. Agreed, if their messiah isn't saying "change" a hundred times, or the woman isn't Hillary, they don't care. Go figure.

  17. I haven't seen any hatred.  

  18. Because its the Republicans Party Week.

  19. I think the Dems be hatin every night.  Get it right.

  20. I have noticed a COMPLETE change in attitude in ALL my democrat friends ever since McCain picked his VP. They no longer want to speak of politics, no more cheering for Obama, they just kidna keep their heads down all quiet and dont like to talk so much lol. I can see why, their worried, and they have a reason to.  

  21. Obama ahead 9 points....yeah your right.....we should be worried.

    Denial is sad

  22. because they see that the RNC speakers actually have passion and weren't forced to support their candidate like the clintons.  

  23. Yes most obamabots are getting nervous. The RNC is a sucess and is further proving why the McCain/Palin ticket is the one that should win.

    People are falling in love with them the more they hear. The polls were 49/49/2 last i heard. I find it very amusing that they are split down the middle with only 2% undecided. I am very sure that soon it will be overwhelmingly in McCains favor, and i am very excited. :]

  24. It's not just us, you guys are hatin too.

    Maybe not as much but still.

  25. I'm a liberal and I'm not hating!  Check out this video.

  26. no it's not the convention, because nobody watches..not even you

    mcsame picks a v p and falls 9 points....grate job white haired dude

  27. Hatin'?

  28. I would just like to hear some real solutions to real problems.  

  29. They are not.

    It is the phony conservatives that keep bringing up hate and fear.

    Did you miss Willard's speech?

  30. Hating who?

    We understand that hatred destroys the hater.  So we have no reason to hate on anybody.

    It's not our fault that the media is vetting Sarah Palin.  Something that McCain should have done.

  31. "hatin" is pretty much what happens in this forum - from both sides. If I had any worries about November, they were all dismissed when you geniuses picked Palin.

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