
Why do you assume I don't like Greta's questions? I'm just curious.....

by  |  earlier

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I was only curious as to what he or she does. I would like to spend more time asking and answering questions, too. I was hoping she would respond and tell me what he or she does for a living. I have nothing against Greta, but I see some people getting very defensive and assuming way too much. Cam down Yahooers.




  1. I dont know what this is all about, but I got Gretas back no matter what.

    Lets hope this isnt Owner

  2. She has had her share of trolls and suspended accounts......we dont want it to happen to her again.......your new to Y!A so you probably dont get it yet......

  3. Since you're in the baseball section, maybe you should be asking a baseball question.  She doesn't owe you an explanation for anything she does.

  4. Because she has a lot of trolls in her and what she does with her life is non of your Business

  5. This might help.;_ylc=X3oDMTE...

  6. Well, she isn't obligated to give you such information if she doesn't want to. Greta has been one of my contacts for a long time, she knows her baseball. But even then, I have felt no need to divulge into her personal life. That's not what this site is about.

  7. team greta unite

  8. huh...the avatar does look somewhat like owner...

    anyway we all like Greta so mind your own d**n business.

  9. So you're looking for a date? Try

    Greta is great huh? Is this Owner?

  10. Sorry to break it to ya hun.. most of us are on Team Greta,, and shes a full time bad a$s...

    LOL at lemony.. maybe it is Owner...

  11. lol I didn't even know about this question until now.

    I'm in high school. Going back tomorrow.

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