From my personal experience. Private parties and private investigators can buy high tech equipt that allows them to invade your privacy and space. Being an attractive woman I am a target.I could be a target for other reasons. Try to document and trace the source. there are innumerable forgein interests spying on US citizens, corrupt cops and annoying teenage hackers with too much time on their hands. report to police or computer crimes unit of FBI anything you can prove, Use a firewall , and dont assume its the govt. Actually the govt cant afford some of this technology.. so it could be forgein govt rather than US..
you just cant tell, but when they get into your system, they can really freak you out. I know im bothered by a bunch of stupid people in my area who helped a private investigator for a couple years and stole the equipt.. its linked illegally to my home system and its a ongoing problem. a NEW computer didnt stop them. its satiellited. FBI didnt do their job from the Orland Park or Chicago FBI Office. This is a federal crime.. make no bones about it!