
Why do you assume the natural tendency for those with no belief in god is to do things that many considers?

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i often read questions here, asking atheists about where they get their morality from. it's as if those asking assume that without a belief in god, one naturally gravitates towards a sinful nature. to those who ask questions like that, do you think that absence of a belief in god takes away a persons ability to make rational decisions?

i mean, i can rationalize not killing someone, because i have a fairly good sense of the pain it would bring to that person's family and friends. i also realize that killing another person may result in someone wanting to kill me or my family and friends. so, wouldn't it seem like the natural choice, without taking god into consideration, would be not to kill someone? do you really have that low of an opinion of humanity, yourself included, to think we need to refer to what god commands in order to do right?




  1. All human beings tend toward sin, it is the nature of man however God has inscribed deep in our hearts a voice of conscience that tells us at the appropriate moment to do good and avoid evil. To do good one must die to oneself in the natural sense and live in His spirit

  2. I often wonder this myself.  I mean, why would I WANT to do bad things?  Would they really be more enjoyable?

    I don't think so.  Does that make me a bad human?

  3. Since we believe that God is necessary for human life to begin with, it is not a fair argument to say Atheists have morality apart from God. The bottom line is there is absolutely no reason for morality apart from God, other than the possibility of the advancement of society. However, this does not account for sins like ethnic cleansing or genocide of inferior races, fornication, homosexuality, incest, rape, bestiality, necrophilia, cannibalism and the list continues.

    If you're afraid of the consequences of your actions then that is based on fear, and not true morality. For instance I am afraid to jump off a bridge into the river, but it is not morally wrong to do so. Besides many people do not care about consequences, or they feel they have more power and will never get punished.

  4. because the majority of mans tendancy's even when we know its wrong.. .we still want to do... even though it causes disease...ruins family relationships... ruins our minds... etc etc.. all for a quick selfish pleasure fix....

    the highs of alcohol... s*x...drugs... even killing someone because they may be inflicting you with pain such as blackmail etc...

    if i didnt think God was real.... i would have killed alot of people in my time for some of the things they had done to me... i wouldnt have cared less about their family.. because they raised a child that afflicted me... however... the result of killing being punishment by law would stop me... but most law has been based from morals of religious law...because it works...

    i dont believe it... i know that there is a natural tendancy for those with no belief in god to do things that many consider wrong.. even many religious people are weak and do things that are wrong....

  5. God gave you the ability to choose right and to know what is right and wrong. It is up to your free will to take the thought/deed to the next level, whatever it is

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