
Why do you believe Global Warming is a hoax?

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There is absolutely no evidence that global warming is some big hoax. You people are so ignorant in your thinking and set in your ways that you don't want to change so you try to make the rest of us believe lies so you can drink your oil and eat your coal. Please, let me understand the reasoning behind this seemingly ignorant thinking!




  1. Why On Earth Are People Overreacting. The Earth Has Been Around For Trillions Of Years It Has To Get Hot Some Time. Why Are People Having Stupid Stuff To "Protect The Enivorment"Like Where I live At I Can Only Use Water On Odd Days!Stupid Idea. We Had The 50's 60's 70's 80's 90's

    To Fix This Problem And Now Al Gore Brings It Up On Some Crappy Flim.Every One Should Take The Time To Know How Long Earth Surived. It Will Burn. Also That Stupid Program On Tv Where We Give Money To People To Help Polar Bears WTF!!Stop People!!!!!!!!! Think About How Old Is. I Bet Al Gore Was To Busy Finding Fake Pictures For That Movie I Spent 30 DOLLARS On.

  2. Well I will try and make it simple, there are close to a million and a half years of ice cores, tree rings, fossil records and for the last 5 thousand years written documentation of weather events. All of this data agrees that our climate today is in the same ballpark that it has been since the end of the ice age 10,000 years ago. On the other hand the propaganda put out by the AGW promoters does not match even the actual records of the last 100 years. So who are telling the truth the historical records that have been verified by every major meteorologist and climate scientist or some flawed computer model created by somebody that did not understand computers very well. Should we scrap our complete society, kill two billion people and return to living in stone age caves because some idiot could not write a workable computer program!

    No one in this world has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby.


  3. I believe  global warming is real but i also believe in order to get the funding they have stretched the need alot in many ways.But it is something we need to look at more seriously

  4. People generally can't argue against that global warming is happening (or at least they can't very well), but man made global warming is debatable.

    Some people claim that volcanoes produce more harmful emissions every year than does mankind, but that's not really the case.  We dump out on average more than 100 times more CO2 than do volcanoes per year.  

    The thing is that volcanoes have literally been around since the formation of the Earth (billions of years) where we've only been beating on the skies for around 100-ish.  So in the grand scale, our contribution is like dumping a 5 gallon bucket into the ocean and claiming that we caused the coasts to rise.

    On the other side, those very volcano emissions  in conjunction with early plant life and photosynthesis are what gave rise to our atmosphere in the first place, so just putting the blame on them might be a little misplaced.

    The thing is, the Earth just naturally goes through climate changes periodically so it's a little difficult to say what our role in the current changes are if we are indeed affecting things at all.

    The "hoax" you are talking about is the same c**p as that with the recycling program.  People like feeling like they are fighting against something.  There are those who stand to make money off of promoting this "cause" so to help their efforts along, they fabircate some villian like human CO2 emissions or lack of landfill space and blow their influence on the situation out of proportion.  

    Hopefully you learned something in all of that.  Have a wonderful day!

  5. The gaping hole in our ozone over Antarctica is large but diminishing in size.  Certainly our planet can heal itself but will only be effective with human intervention just like the ban of CFC  in countries around the world.

    No doubt there has been global warming and global cooling in earth's history, the only difference with this global warming is its accelerating to a point some species cannot cope with the rapid changes in their environment.  It'll take many many generations for new hunting techniques to be developed, for animals to adapt to their eco system.

  6. I believe Global Warming is a hoax because the evidence does not match the conclusions.

    The global temperature declined from the 1930's to around 1976, the period of our greatest industrialization.

    From 1976 until 1998, the temperature increased.

    Since 1998, global temperatures have dropped.

    CO2 levels have been increasing but the temperature has not.

    There is no evidence that people are destroying our planet.  In America, we give great consideration to animals and our environment.

    We also have to think about people around the world that need to have access to the resources that will allow them to  stop burning elephant dung in their homes that poison them so that they can cook and heat their homes.

  7. You know, I believe in climate change at least partially due to man's interference.

    still, you CAN NOT prove a negative. One can't prove that something doesn't exist because there is no evidence of it. Just like an atheist can not prove the non-existence of God, and a theist cannot prove the existence of the super-natural because religion is faith-based ("and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic" as the Hitchhikers' Guide would put it)

  8. Please try to think about the deliberate fear and emotions involved with this issue.  There is a TON of evidence, most glaringly the need for believers to emotionally manipulate people through FEAR.

    But if you're serious, there is no evidence that CO2 causes climate variation or that the minimal human-made greenhouse gases alter climate meaningfully at all.

    Humans caused ZERO PERCENT of the wild changes in climate just a couple thousand years ago.  ZERO.  Even the most hard-core global warming fanatic knows this.

    World climate is d**n complicated, and NOTHING predicted by the global warming models (which ignore basic reality, like shifts in cloud cover and other factors) has come true.

    The ignorant and arrogant egotistical believer actually thinks that humans control the Earth's weather.  It is a delusional madness (a cult) and you would do well to follow the money involved.

  9. You must have alot of faith to belive in some thign that you can not prove is happing. THe burden of proof is on the accuser,

    Do some simple light research and find out what the temp of the earth is suppposed to be the ideal temprature and then get back to  all of us so we can be amazed and mystified.

  10. I don't care if global warming is true or not.

    Here in Australia (considered a reasonably hot continent/nation) we just had our coldest winter in a long time. Either this is a big coincidence, or as people have told me that global warming increases extremities of hot and cold - if this is true, should this not then balance out and result in an equilibrium.

    I also heard in the news this week, something about the global temp's or greenhouse gas levels being it's highest in about 20 million years, First of all, where did they get this info from, i don't believe they had weather balloons back then (i dont think you can measure greenhouse gas levels by examining ice caps). Second of all, if the current levels aren't the highest ever, then why is it not possible that all of this stuff might just be a natural oscillation.

    Thirdly, does anyone else think that maybe Al Gore just want's some publicity after losing the election to George 'Nukular' Bush. I know that would get me down. Just like in the man-bear-pig episode of South Park.

    Finally, the Earth, and human-kind will not last forever even if we solved the problem of GW. What about when our sun turns into a red giant and consumes the Earth, or if our planet happens to be in the path of a meteor, etc.

    Why don't we worry about the present issues such as the religious bouts between Christianity and Islam, or the bee problems, or salmonella outbreaks, or the evolution of invincible pathogens due to natural selection.

  11. Rather to be ignorant than of the herd mentality.


    It is not a pollutant, but a natural gas that every organic item releases. Even volcanoes release tons 300 times more than every man, woman, and child causes to be produced every year.

    There is a new scheme managed by the UN (hmm) Carbon Cap and Trade. Some companies are banking on this Carbon Trading Vehicle. They are trying to make a market out of thin are requiring payment to market participants to do business. Obviously the business that buy these Carbon Credits will ultimately Charge YOU.


    Global Warming is just the vehicle - it is not real, but an exaggerated illusion.

  13. I've gone to the ocean for 60 yrs, and the tide hasn't risen an inch, despite Al Gore 23' or 23" measurement. If you read the "Sagas" which chronicles the voyages of the Vikings, Iceland was icy and Greenland was farm land. This leads me to think that not only is there no warming, but long term, there has been cooling. Don't forget, this whole scam comes from an un-elected politician who burns more energy than a small town in Texas, and when he's not accepting awards, is busy inventing the Internet. Not the most reliable source.

  14. Global Warming is NOT a hoax. And I care deeply for our earth. We only have one, so lets take care of it. please. haha.

    seriously. YOU TELL EM' GIRL.

  15. My idea about global warming is this,I don't believe the human race can do a thing about it, it is just like many have already said and act of nature, the earth goes thru many changes and another change is about to happen, we cannot stop it but maybe it will make some people feel good to believe they are trying to do their part and give them some hope. And if indeed we have caused it by blowing holes thru the ozone layers than the damage is done and it is too late to try to reverse the effects. The best we can do is the best we can do, just live each day to the best of our ability and let God take care of the rest.

  16. One error you have made is not asking the right question. YOu must ALWAYS call it Man Made Global Warming.. or Anthropogenic global warming. From what i have read yes the globe has warmed but since the 90's the warming has slowed and even reversed.

    I do NOT believe that Carbon Dioxide by mankind is causing some drastic change.

    Girl.. get it straight.. its like saying conservatives hate immigrants and making loud noises about racism and immigration.. when it is ILLEGAL immigration that is the problem.

    Mankind needs oil. Poor people need more cars and more technology. Let people have these things and they will get richer and smarter and protect their own neighborhoods.

    what you want is george bush to RUN EVERYTHING and give all power to the UN... that will not stop pollution.. look at CHINA... HUGE polluter.. they are in charge of EVERYTHING and they pollute.

    s***w your little biochy attitude and wake up to Al Gore wanting your MONEY freak. HE WANTS YOUR CASH FOR LIFE...

    that is what the HOAX is all about. 10 years from now it will be something else.

    where is the AIDS SCARE?  10 years ago we all thought the world would END.....

  17. Most of the groups who advocate the theory have in fact pushed other false alarms for the purpose of justifying limits on what they consider a "consumerist" lifestyle - there's a boy who cried wolf phenomenon.

    Greenpeace, PIRG, UCS, Sierra Club....

    There's also no direct evidence of human causation.     Yes CO2 traps some heat but the increase has been 1/11,000th of the atmosphere in 200 years.   There have been warm periods when CO2 levels were lower and without CO2 increases.   Recent warm periods, some as warm or warmer than today, despite lower CO2 levels.   We don't know what caused all of those warm periods.  So you can't just infer causation from rough (and it is a very rough) correlation.

    And that inference is all they have.    They've spent tens of billions (most of which was tax money, not their own money) over the last 20 years not to find out, in an open ended search, but specifically to prove man-made warming, and they haven't any more proof than they had to begin with.

    And the story keeps changing.   First we were told "the planet has a fever" - now it's "wild wacky weather."     First global warming made for more and worse hurricanes (when that's what happened) - then fewer and milder hurricanes (when that's what happened) - now they don't know (because it's not clear what's happening).

    And the predictions........     Every year is going to be the warmest year on record (the "record" being only about 120 years in duration) - and every year for the last ten, it hasn't happened.

    There is a story.   It cannot be proven either true or false.   It has changed a few times over the years.    It is being told as a justification for an agenda.   Most of the people repeating it have long held that same agenda and have told lies in the past to support it.    But granted it does - or some iterations of it do - make some intuitive sense.

    Do you believe it?     Even if you decide to believe it yourself, do you empower the people who spread it to do what they want, to impose the limits they want?

    As for drinking oil and eating coal, well no, I don't plan to do that - LOL!

    And changing my ways?   No, I don't want to change my ways, you're right about that.

    Read your question again.     "Change your ways" - do you realize that you sound just like the right wingers when they rant about social issues?

    "Repent or perish!"

    I bet you think you're on the opposite end of the spectrum from them but you're not - you're just a rival control-freak - you want to limit freedom just like they do, you want to impose ideals just like they do - but you think it's different when it's your ideals being imposed.

    No, it's not different.

    Could it turn out to be us?   Yes.   But it's a boy who cried wolf issue for me - - this time the wolf might be there.   But how do you believe the boy the fourth, fifth, sixth......... twentieth time?

    The Patagonian sheep had pinkeye, Bt corn pollen poses no danger to Monarch butterflies, birds' lungs are tiny and if you burn ANY pan at 600 F with a birdcage hanging from the ceiling a few feet away the bird will likely die, the ozone hole is just as big 20 years after CFCs were banned.........

    They don't even admit the POSSIBILITY that they were wrong on these issues.

    But I'm supposed to take them at their word this time?

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