
Why do you believe Israel officials would ask Senator Obama his reaction if they strike Iran?

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Israel being a sovereign nation, with capabilities to protect its borders and interest, why would it need an OK from the US?. After-all when the Russians placed nukes in Cuba, we made no bones about it. Remove them or else! and asked no one any if and or buts.




  1. They know who is likely going to be the next President of the U.S. so they are being proactive.

  2. Israel can not attack Iran or it will end up as a hole in the ground, it needs the U.S. to fight it's war, if only it could persuade a president to take the plunge, but the US has got China, India and Russia to contend with, as they trade with Iran and would get nothing out of a war.  But Israel will never give up trying.

  3. The Israelis ask no one.. they do as they please.. all they want is our money supporting them.

    Obamas would  support them in a second for all his big talk!

  4. They need to know if they should strike before he takes office, IF elected,  while Bush is still their ally. If McCain looks likely to win, they will hold off until he can add to the plan to destroy Iran's nuclear capacity.

  5. Israel will do whatever it wants.  It has done so in the past and will do so in the future.  Since when does another country need American permission to act in its own self-interests?

  6. that would be a BAD idea

  7. well first off,they know he"s the next president.secondly,we are their biggest makes total sense.

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