
Why do you believe an immigrant needs to become a citizen or don't you?

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I personally don't see why people get offended if an immigrant doesn't care to become a citizen. Immigrants don't have many of the rights we do and personally I'd rather reserve those rights for the native born. What are your thoughts on that?




  1. well I pay for illegals to get free housing programs they get free medical and they get a free education, my kids can not get medical or any subsidised housing programs! this country is unfair to its own that have done it the right way, however I do not have anything against illegals I can understand their struggles but it needs to be done the right way through citizenship..If I had my own way the whole world would be free to go anywhere you want, but we know that is not possible.

  2. In my opinion, if people come to this country (or any other country), they are generally doing so to seek a better life than they would have in their native country. If that is the case, then they need to apply for citizenship to attain all the rights of a citizen. However, they still need to be paying taxes and following the laws of the country they move to, regardless of their wish for citizenship in that country. If they expect to receive benefits, they need to be paying into the system. I believe that they should also be required to speak and understand the language of that country's constitution or the general language of the government in that country to apply for any documents, including driver's license, social security and citizenship. If I were to move to a foreign country, I would expect to have to learn the local language, regardless of how many English speakers or Americans were already there. I wouldn't depend upon finding someone else who also spoke English just so I could buy a meal or get to the right place on a bus or in a taxi.

  3. Immigrants can become citizens if they choose to. It's up to them - that's called freedom.

    There is a difference between an "immigrant" and an "ILLEGAL alien."  I don't care where they come from. I only care if they are here LEGALLY!

    20+ illegal aliens are criminals because they shouldn't be here. They are currently breaking our laws.

  4. Then you would be open to allowing anyone from any where to enter America at will with no interfere from LEO, be allowed to use whatever documents they desire ? In case you haven't notice,illegals actually have more rights then citizens.

  5. Sorry unless they are in this country legally and become a citizen, they have NO RIGHT TO BE HERE ,PERIOD.  This to this date is STILL a nation of laws.

  6. If an immigrant is not a citizen, than the immigrant isn't paying taxes but is still reaping the benefits of our system (some of them at least) so in essence it is s******g us over too.

  7. WELL.....

  8. Most immigrants that are legal are under the impression they loose their citizenship from the country they came from if they become citizens here. I don't think this is true but they cling to this belief most are proud people and love their country as much as the U.S. but just don't have the opportunity in their home land. These people pay taxes are home owners and make great neighbors and their children are born citizens. I have no problem with people who work and pay taxes isn't that what America's about! So they don't vote no loss look at the choices!!!!

  9. About the 12M illegals lots of people are getting confused and think that all 12M want citizenship

    this is not true, also not viable

    Many want to return to Mexico

    Many others want to stay here but not become a citizen

    Conclusion: deport them all or most, for the ones remaining legalize them but do not make them a citizen please

  10. as long as they are here legally, not here to drop an anchor baby/collect freebies and leave when they are supposed to, I dont care!

  11. I think they need to do the necessary paperwork and get on the list before they come here.  If they want to come here and be a real part of our society that's fine with me.

    If they want to hop a fence and send all the money back to their country, drive without insurance and not learn the language then I hope they get kicked out.

  12. legal or no  big difference  if you are legal and plan to stay yes  if u are not legal than get out

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