
Why do you believe global wamring is true?

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why should we believe what you have to say with no back up proof??

Reasons I believe global warming is FAKE: The basics of what I call common since.

Is global warming a fact, theory, mystery, or opinion?

Amantha Hood -June 18th 2008.

1. Global warming has a possibility of not truly happening. We need to remember 11,000 years ago was dated Earths last ice age. Global warming could all be a big change of earth’s climate. In fact weather is a particular climate change or atmospheric change at one time. For example weather could be very warm from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm, and begin to rain the rest of the evening. Like weather, it changes over time. So could earth’s current atmosphere. It could slowly be warming or cooling. We cannot predict the exact basics of the environment or atmospheric movement of Earths time.

2. In certain spots on Earth our climate is different. Such as in Oregon if global warming- truly is not a theory but a fact. It would make Oregon colder not hotter. We should be figuring out solutions for a huge ice age to appear. Think about it, us coastal people have lived by water for a while now. If there is so much sun light production then our ice bergs would melt and our sea levels would get higher and higher. We wouldn’t have as much sun light we would have more rain and moisture in the air. So tell me when you think of “global warming” do you think about your neighborhood full of rain, snow, and ice? I know I don’t.

3. At school every day we learn the global warming is a fact and that we are truly killing the environment. So if it’s really happening then why are we still sitting around doing nothing? If the earth was truly going to supposedly blow up in a time of fifty years. Why aren’t these amazing scientists working harder to find a cure? That is what they are getting paid to do right? Figure things out. So why is there job not being done. I know I know, many questions the world is left UN answered. Here’s an answer- (they either seriously do not care, or they themselves don’t believe in such nonsense.) Any ways if global warming as my alternative play B was true. Then we would all suffer and slowly die, or just die. Why would it really matter? - We are all dead anyways. Yet you know scientists wouldn’t think like that or let it happen.

4. Why do we all have to believe what one man named Al Gore has to say about his opinion? Why can’t you make up a mind, and have our own ideas of it? I think they need to stop doing the teachings of this. Truly, it’s important to live in a healthy atmosphere. But then again you don’t need to scare your kids saying that if you do not turn off the lights when you sleep. There will be no tomorrow. Come on now people- that a big much if you ask me, considering I am child myself.

5. It’s a fact that since the 1980s America’s air has gotten so much cleaner. It’s also true that there are less holes in the ozone layer. Is human kind truly apart of this so called “global warming”?...




  1. Because the data proves it, and 99+% of the world's scientists say so.  A few points:

    3.  The problem is not that the world will blow up.  It won't be a Hollywood movie style disaster. Gradually coastal areas will flood and agriculture will be damaged. But it will be very bad. Rich countries will cope, but it will take huge amounts of money. In poor countries many people will die of starvation, but not all of them.

    4.  Don't believe Al Gore.  But believe this:

    EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement that this is real, and mostly caused by us.  The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    5.  While we've reduced some pollutants, we've hugely INCREASED the amount of CO2 we're emitting.

  2. Beliefs are irrelevant.  It wouldn't matter if every scientist on earth believed something, it wouldn't be true until they proved it.  When it comes to Global Warming, this is something they have not done.  Consensus only proves that people are in agreement.  At one time everyone, including scientist, believed the earth was flat.  That didn't make it true.  Agreement means nothing without the concrete evidence that proves why you believe something.  Why do people fail to grasp this concept and then take stances on issues based on nothing other then their emotions?  What happened to being rational when it comes to making important decisions?

  3. Because the same man who claims he invented the Internet says its true.

    Thank you Al Gore.

  4. "There is no consensus on global warming. Over 60 respected scientists signed a letter to the Canadian Prime Minister this past April contending that "Global climate changes occur all the time due to natural causes and the human impact still remains impossible to distinguish from this natural 'noise.'" Between 1999 and 2001 (and updated through at least 2007), thousands of scientists and researchers signed the Oregon Petition, stating, "There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate."

    Further, making the point about the myth of consensus, the Collegiate Times ran a story quoting a student, who had attended Al Gore's Climate Training Project, as saying of her experience, "It puts into perspective both sides of the argument, but there's no argument in the global scientific community."

    Nothing could be further from the truth. William Gray of the Atmospheric Science Department at Colorado State University argues the notion of consensus is "one of the greatest hoaxes ever perpetrated on the American people.""

  5. because its hot as *****

  6. climates change its what they do

    50 years ago 1 of SC's major exports were oranges. but not anymore. you know why? ITS TOO COLD.

    Again, climates go up and down. There arent any real records before a couple 100 years ago, so how can we really know what it's doing?

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