
Why do you believe in the divine origin theory ?

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can it be long? pls




  1. Besides the Bible, and latest quantum physics theory I read which says there had to be some intelligent creator, just the complexity of everything leads me to believe it. I see no way things created themselves and we most certainly didn't.

  2. yes but the answer is elusive

  3. One thing stands out to me. We can't create anything, not a rock, a speck of dirt or even a drop of water. We can move stuff around, put things together, split things in half but everything comes for "stuff" that was already here. If you think about it, there has to be some kind of a force/God that has the ability to create. There's another thing to think about (I absolutely believe in God & Jesus). If a person is wrong about a divine origin, they've lost nothing. If they are right, WOW!

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