
Why do you believe in the paranormal?

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Why do you believe in the paranormal?




  1. I used to because it seems like a fun thing to believe in and because everyone else seems to.  But now, due to a lack of reason and evidence, I do not.

  2. I believe in the paranormal because it exists.

  3. because it exists.  it is like the air, even though you don't see it [except in chicago lol], you still breathe it.   so, even though some might not see or believe does not mean that it doesn't exist.  para normal.  it means more or above the norm.

  4. paranormal doesn't exist,  is just knowing how the universe work and why things happened the way they do

    What is deciphering paranormal is quantum mechanics

  5. because It is remain a mystery that no one can explain but still happening.

  6. "it is like the air, even though you don't see it [except in chicago lol], you still breathe it."

    Fallacious reason.  We can *measure* air, we can empirically and independently determine the existence and physical properties of air.

  7. Because it happened to me. Otherwise..I would still believe it only happens to saints.

  8. Because I'm delusional, a bit paranoid, and woefully ignorant of real science.

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