
Why do you believe in the religion you believe in?

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The main reason why.

Why do you pick that one and not one of the others?

Or why do you not believe in a religion?

There are no wrong answers here. Thank you.




  1. Because mine is the only religion that offers unrequited love, healing power, and saving grace, through the death of my Savior, Jesus Christ.

  2. truth

  3. When I was twenty I set out to show the world that Christians were idiots. I found out I was the one in the wrong. I tested and even tempted god for five years and in the end I realized that He was in fact real, and that Jesus Christ was the Lord and Savior of my life.

  4. "There are no wrong answers here"

    Until you pick a 'Best Answer'

  5. people should go with there gut feelings about religion and god. if you are in a church and you feel that what they are preaching is wrong, you shouldn't be there. you should feel what you believe. ask questions, do research.. and if it still doesnt make sence.. its not for you.

  6. I don't follow any one religion because I think that most of them are pretty ridiculous.

  7. agnostic because that makes logical sense.

  8. My parents.

  9. Because intuitively, in my heart... it feels like home.  

  10. what is religion. Religion kills.  Religion is rules and regulations.  IF u don't conform to their ways, u'r not in that religion.

    Christ Jesus is all about a relationship.  R u obedient to His word.  Then u'll have PEACE.

    all to my brothers and sisters in CHrist. God bless u..><>  ^j^

  11. i was about to ask if we could answer why we do not believe in a religion, and then i saw that you asked that too. . Excellent. I do not 'believe' in any religion at all.  i do, however, believe the 10 commandments, and the thingees in buddhism (like those precepts, and the 8 fold path) and wisdom and teachings of love and non-violence in all religions.  i think the philosophy behind all of the religions is fascinating and beautiful. therefore i believe nothing, but love all of the ideas. . we cannot know truth through religion, or through reason, or through reading books or listening to teachers, and that seems to be what religion is. . but its cool learning about them and studying them. . . sorry for going on and on. . lol

  12. Believe in God

    Be an actual good person

    what religion should be, and that's all.

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