
Why do you believe that people who say they have Psychic Abilities are nothing but con artists?

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Not wanting to take an organizations test to prove abilities are real because they do not want the money, yet charge a lot in book stores for books, tarot readings etc. . .Isn't it possible that the reason no one takes them up on the tests is because the rules for the test are unrealistic, i.e. if they do not pass with a score of 100 then they are a fraud and will publicise it immediately, YET if they do pass the test with flying colors, it may or may not be publicised and they do not get all the money promised up front, maybe a small percentage. Would you take a test that no matter how well you do, you lose?




  1. I know some are frauds I also believe that those powers exist

    Fraud is not unique to pyschic some doctors lawyers teacher social workers etc and almost all politicians are frauds

  2. I say that people who say they are psychic are con artists because people who say they are psychic are con artists.

    There are many people who claim to be psychics.  I do not believe *all* of them are con artists, but I do believe many of them are.  Sylvia Browne, John Edward and the like are deliberately robbing gullible people, so they are con artists.  I believe the rest of them are, thanks to confirmation bias, just deluded.  That being said, not all psychics are out to rip people off.  Many of them I think just misunderstand what is going on and are not willfully ripping people off.

    The rules of the Randi test are agreed upon by both JREF *and* the participant.  The results need not be 100% either.  The money is in escrow, meaning it is under control of a third party and will be released according to a contract which is agreed upon by both parties.  So you (and everyone else) can give up on the tired and unsubstantiated claim that it's impossible to win the Randi challenge.

  3. yep, pretty much so. The good ones are frauds anyway, the rest are dellusional and dreaming of haveing super powers.

    extrodinary claims require extrodinary proof, and so far all the psychics can provide is a con job, some excuses, and testimonial evidence.

    Come on, these people want you to accept fairy tales with no proof. When has a fairy tale held more weight than logic and reason in the field of science?

  4. i have spent money on psychics and nothing that they have told me ever come thru, i go for the entertainment, only because hoping one of these is real,but they aren't telling you anything that they can't guess, i wish one would one day come close to something that is going on then i will believe,but alo of them are con-artists,one in particular wanted me to charge a washer and dryer on my account as payment for some cleansing she was going to do,cause i told her i had no money for anything like that,what it is, is that some people are desperate and hope there is some one can help them with what ever help they need,and get some kind of answers,and in turn psychics take advantage of that.

  5. I don't believe that at all.  I think everyone has an ability of some sort whether they realize it or not.  Mine happens to be knowing when a being not living in this world is present and channeling to a limited degree.  I know people who are telekinetic and don't realize they cause electrical shortages when they are upset. I also know people who are telepathic and don't know it.  I don't feel it's my place to tell them.  It's up to whoever is in charge to let them know if that's the plan.  Anyone else have thoughts on this?

  6. if you are suggesting Rand's test ,that is simply a fraud !and also  a publicity strategy that he created ,controls,uses and recommends it !

  7. You presume the testers would be dishonest.In this age of lawyers.How can anyone think Randi could get away with a con.The rules are not unrealistic.Read them they are available.Here's a link to them.Face it, all they have are lame excuses.The balls in their court,they'd swish it if they could.Only a fool believes otherwise.

  8. I would not take a test. I have been trying to control my psychic   abilities for most of my life and can't always be right. Some are a lot better at this than me.  I see pictures in my mind and have to try to interpret the meaning. Some times I get it right 100% but most of the time I don't.  If I took a test and failed then all it would prove is that I'm a poor psychic.  I know others that are 99% right all the time.  Besides if I was 100% all the time I would not care what anyone else thought.  And if I was that good I would not need the money offered by some,  I would know all the best investments or just pick the right lottery numbers.

  9. If I said I could move objects with the power of my mind, or read other people's thoughts, or talk with the dead, would you believe me or not believe me?  Why?

    What sorts of things could you do to try to find out if I really had such powers, or was just a charlatan?


  10. For those who are ready, no explanation is necessary and for those who are not, no explanation is possible!

  11. I'm not trying to support the claims of some, but if an individual had enough control over their gift to rally it on command and was put through rigorous testing, it's possible that, like other talents such as bicycle riding, would fail. Does that mean the individual is a fraud at riding a bike, for instance, because they fell? Likewise, science cannot confirm nor deny the causes of those things outside of our normal senses.

    An article I read a long time ago on research done to a practioner of out-of-body experience recorded about 66% accurate on objects in another room. I don't know about you, but 33% would be enough to raise my neck hair. Is the guy a fraud because he's right 2 out of 3 times? Who can say?

    But to answer your question, I would take any test if it served a good purpose. The level of criticism most scientists face when publishing new theories is overwhelming. No one wants others to be the next Einstein, either from envy or ignorance. There are people out there ready to make a ripple in the pool. Don't be afraid to let loose what's inside you for any reason.

  12. If you are talking about the Unamazing Randi; that is NOT a fair test.

    You should read Sifu Richard Mooney's rebuttal to Randi.

    Richard Mooney is a Lin Long Jing Qigong master. and has been recommended as a Qigong master in at least three Qigong books that leap to mind.

    "The Ultimate Martial Art" by Paul Dong, and a co-author.

    "Chi Kung: For Health And Vitality" Wong Kiew Kit

    "The Art Of Chi Kung" Wong Kiew Kit

    FYI Wong Kiew Kit was the Qigong instructor of the year in 1998.

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