
Why do you believe that racism is STILL a problem in the U.S.?

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I'm talking about ALL races. NOT EXCLUSIVELY African Americans.

I personally believe that racism against ANYONE is ridiculous and ignorant.

Why is it still a problem in this country? None of us are 'full-blooded' anything in this day and age. Why aren't people over this 'racist' c**p yet?




  1. Dont get mad this is what I believe


    that is why because without racism there would be no good jokes and comedians would be out of a job. Just because someone tells a joke about a certain race doesnt make them racist. Its not my fault there are no good jokes about white people.

  2. racism is still a problem everywhere luv

  3. they are sooo rasist to mexicannsss, and all spanish people cause they think there mexicanss

    answer mine

  4. I agree.  I'm not from the USA but racism is a world wide issue that really needs to be dealt with, but probably never will.  Racism doesn't have a valid reason behind it but i think the media does nothing to help the issue.  Stereotyping is mostly to blame.  How many times do you see a black guy in a movie or tv show weilding a gun and talking about drugs and 'b*****s' and how many shows have the asian people who speak poor english and try and sell everyone their traditional food.  Same for all races and all nationalities, the french are rude, the germans are evil, the brits are s****., the americans are stupid, the chinese are clever but nerdy...It's stupid and pointless I can't bear it sometimes when im watching the tv and see this stuff.  I agree racism is ridiculous and ignorant, but unfortunately we are a minority in this world of 6 billion people.  sucks.

  5. As long as stereotypes exist, people will be racist.

    Or rather as long as people can find differences in other people (doesn't even have to be race it could be gender) people will be racist.

  6. there's too many different cultures too close together. not that one's better than the other, but people tend to want to be around people like themselves. it's not as racial as you think. it's completely cultural. but to say that most racial groups don't act and live a particular way would be ignorant. there are exceptions of course but most stereotypes are generally true. i mean they weren't just made up by someone out of the blue. in most other racially diverse countries people share the same culture and don't try to maintain they're own individual cultures like they do here.

  7. Because if people can look down on other groups of people it makes them feel superior.  Pathetic, but people want to feel like they are better than others.  I believe it's just that simple.

  8. Honestly, racism is a problem in all countries, in the US fortunately it is just words 99 percent of the time, in other nations its murder and unfairness.

    Also, many people are racist because of experiences, I am half black and Half Asian, I have a white friend who used to be racist against Blacks because his cousin was jumped by 4 black males in New York. His cousin did nothing but got injuries, so my white friend became a racist.

    Whenever African American students would hear of him being racist, most would get their "tough guy or girl" act on and start cussing at him. My black friend and I decided to treat that kid nicer and help him, yes HELP HIM. I mean, if I would have been like others and acted like a jerk, that would have made the guy's racism stronger. SO I decided to be friends with him and help him out and then I told him, "Not all blacks are like that man, I am sorry your cousin got beat down by a bunch of ignorant, cheap, and poor skunkbags, if I see them, I will kill them". The kid then 1 month later came up to me and said thanks, he also said thanks to my Black friend whom helped him out, and now, the kid has MANY Black friends.

    The main reason for racism in the US is people,

    ok that sounded bland so I will explain

    There are good white people,  we ALL know that, but what if someone went to lets say a really small and racist town in Arkansas and got discriminated against by whites?, he wouldn't like Whites as much and in that time period he will develop a hatred for whites (if the guy himself is not white)

    There are good Black people (Brothas, and I am half black), we ALL know that, but what if someone went to Brooklyn and got jumped for no reason by a bunch of blacks? If the person that got jumped is not black themselves, then they would develop a hatred or a small dislike towards Blacks.

    There are good Hispanics, we ALL know that, but what if someone went to a neighborhood in Southern Cal and got beaten up by a bunch of Hispanics? If the person is not Hispanic themselves, that person would develop a small hatred or dislike towards Hispanics.

    There are good Asian people, we ALL know that, but what if someone went to Chinatown, did one thing wrong and got beaten up? If the person themselves is not Asian, then that person will develop a small hatred for Asians (Indians are Asian, by Indians I mean Indian people from India)

    What I am saying is, most of today's racism in young people's mind is based on experience. I can for myself, being Black, I will say that despite people like Obama and Oprah doing SO much for this nation and our culture, we still have our very own out on the street that discriminate heavily against Whites, so I can see as to WHY a White person would hate a Black Person.

    Hispanics are becoming more of the same, out on the streets and even in public they say some dumb stuff and start drama.

    Whites on xbox live and other internet/online places say some racist stuff which of course pisses minorities off.

    Asians, some are nice and some are idiots that s***w others.

    That small hatred makes racism a problem on a big scale, racism has still not died out yet. I will say this again, I AM BLACK, but we have contributed to racism as well. We say "Cracka" and 'Whitey" without watching what we say and start fights for no reason.

    IN ORDER for racism to end, we as people, need to change, we need to be nicer to other races and set a better example of ourselves.

    That won't happen, we will still have skunkbags that give their race a bad name. It takes just ONE bad apple to ruin a bunch, and that is what happens when it comes to races. One person gives their race a bad name by doing stuff to others and all of a sudden someone turns racist against them.

    I am sorry to say this but Racism will NEVER end in the world.

    Also, as you move up to higher classes (educated and rich) racism will not be an issue.

  9. Racism is definitely still a problem in the U.S., and isn't just used by hate groups.  Using generalizations that class people according to their race, for example, "all Asians are smart", is also racist.  Opening a door for someone just because they are of another race and you are scared that if you do not open the door that it could be considered racist, is also in fact racist.

  10. Racism exists because those who are, learned it; it is a learned trait. With the exception of those who have been victimized and their defense mechanism puts all who fit the characteristics in the same category.  

    Typically racism is hanging on to the past, believing that historical events are the current perceptions of others and holding the descendants responsible for the actions of ancestors or one small group within a particular community committed.

    Racism exists out of fear, out of defense and it may lessen but I don't think it will ever fully dissipate.  

  11. All people that are intelligent and worth talking to aren't racist.

  12. Racism will always be an issue anywhere more than one race deal with each other, even if were to be made illegal, you cannot control peoples minds.  People for some reason like to have an excuse not to like others, whether it be for race, religion, style of clothing, any reason, race just happens to be an obvious difference that is convenient to use.

  13. Yeah, I'd have to go with the above post that racism is a worldwide problem.  

    Sucks, but it's true.

    I think people are always looking for a common enemy, somebody to blame for problems like joblessness, homelessness, epidemics, environmental damage, everything that ever goes wrong.  People like to belong to a group and they like to put down other groups.  Racism is an easy way to give in to people's natural tendency to blame others.

    But at least we know it exists.  As G. I. Joe said, knowing is half the now we have to fight it.

  14. It's still alive because some people put down others to feel better about themselves.  It's still around because people want to act as if it doesn't exist and look the other way.  It's still a problem because people think someone is trying to take their power.  It's here to stay because we won't take the necessary steps to eliminate it.

  15. I think it is because people look down on other people that don't look like them. I would like to say it is not a problem anymore, but people say horrible things to my boyfriend and I because we are in an interracial relationship.

  16. I think it is still a problem - but it is slowly going away.  Each generation makes progress in this area.  I think education is the key to this usually and over time it will become even less of a problem.  

  17. Until Blacks recognize that they can be as racist, if not more so, than Whites the problems between us cannot be resolved.

  18. honey i totally agree with u, but thats wuts so great about america is

    that people can be as dumb as they want or think wut they want no matter how ignorant or ridiculous it may be!

    but i c where ur comin from

  19. Cuz theres Whites that hate Blacks and Blacks that hate whites.

    I understand why people would be racism against indians, they pay no taxes and get stuff free.

  20. I hate racism and unfortunately as long as people are blind and do not see that people are just people then racism will continue. We would be a better nation if we all just got along.

  21. I think its because American capitalist culture teaches us that we need "more, more, more."  So we see others as competition, instead of people to work together with.  In any kind of culture that encourages competition, people will find any kind of difference between themselves and the next guy in order to justify behavior that lets them "get ahead" or feel superior.  

  22. no ****. we are brought up to be racist, its our upbringing, the tiniest thing, just dont be racist around your kids. School as well, were pretty racist in school too.

  23. Racism is a problem in EVERY country.  The US doesn't have exclusive rights to this problem.  You are right, it is silly but it is part of the human psyche to be afraid or weary of anything that is different from your own image.  It is a leftover survival mechanism.

    Look at gang affiliations and how black people are pitted aginst other black people because the are with a different gang.  A different gang - different.  That is really a form of racism in my opinion.  It is silly at any level.

    I am not justifying it for anyone and I agree.  It is silly but it makes perfect sense.  People react to different things differently and some of those reactions are learned while others are ingrained.

  24. because of stereotypes. until a few years ago china was considered a poor place but  i have seen pictures and i would rather live there. africa is still considered a jungle even though lagos nigeria is more expensive than every place in america besides nyc. latinos are considered blue collared. My latino friends have houses everywhere . its media going to other countries and only telling the bad side of life there sad i know

  25. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that we still defiantly have economic classes in this country, which is a problem we need to fix by giving people more opportunities. It's just that we have problems relating to people who live a completely different sort of life than we do.  

  26. you are right. there is racism in our country. In schools too. Black african americans fall behind more that whites, and people think they need special treatment.

    I think people arnt over it because thtey look different from us, and because nlacks are tougher. (according to sience)

  27. mostly becuz of the illegal immigrants problem

  28. heya

    rasiscm is purely people who look at someone and judge them by what they look like or the colour of there skin....even to white people when someone bullys you its like there racist against you ..different cloured people have just been giving there name because of the judgement they get .. i personally dontblieve in any rasicm but some rasicm is never going to stop ..there always going to be people that are racist ..mlk ,tried his best in stopping this cruel rasicm but he got killed for doing what he did and hes the only person that is willing to stick up for colored people theres always gona be rasical

  29. Yeh .. it will never be stopped, it cannot .. New birth come in,.. learning it , and they pass it on to their kids ,from their parents/friends..And so on .. It is still a problem

  30. It's still a problem becuase people still get worked up about it.  If we are all americans, then what is the big deal?  If more people just shined it one, then it would go away.  

  31. Yes, rediculous, but pervasive.  

    The single most racist woman I ever met was a black librarian.  She was  willing to give students in her journalism classes grades based solely on their race.

    About 20 years ago  I met a little girl who said she didn't like a specific student.  When I asked why she would dislike this wonderful human being, she said because he was "black."  I pointed out that she was also black.  She said, "No, he's really dark black.  I'm high yellow."  

    My neighbor in our last home asked me not to sell to a black family.  I told her the only way she could guarantee who did or did not buy the home was to purchase it or raise the money to purchase it.  She did not.  I think the family that bought the house was, in fact, black.

    I've been in countless school cafeterias where the kids divided along racial lines, but I think that's more that they sit with students they already know, and they live in mostly segregated neighborhoods.

    I hope that racism is less pervasive among the younger generations, but I'm not really sure.

    My own son is Hispanic.  He has friends of all colors and socio-economic groups.  He and his friends are learning that we judge people by their actions, by the content of their characters, and not by the color of their skins or the content of their wallets.

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