
Why do you believe that the September 11th attacks where in fact conspiracies?

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Why do you believe that the September 11th attacks where in fact conspiracies?




  1. I think more people died than was published. Those buildings held 80,000 people ...not that they were all there, but I think it was more than 3,000 people. Only my opinion

  2. The question is not about conspiracy its about how can  you believe an official story with more holes in it than Swiss cheese.

  3. Ugh Gavin Davies! Why do you keep asking these questions Gavin Davies (email: Newcastle Ontario!!!

  4. There are countless facts to prove that these attacks where called upon by the US government. I dont even know where to begin.

    1. Demolition professionals always blow the bottom floors of a structure first, but the WTC tower collapses began at the upper levels, where the planes hit the buildings. Evidence of a controlled demolition where present when hours after the collisions, witnesses claim to have seen explosions occurring at the base of the buildings at the time of the attacks. Those tapes where soon-after confiscated. Also, in order for the building to have fallen the way they did, the main support beans running up the full length of the buildings would have needed to been cut on exactly a 45 degree angle and in the rubble, the remainder of beems (which where few) where seen to have been cut to exactly these measures. Furthermore, a series of small explosions running down each building as the collapsed can clearly be identified in the few videotapes that have been released.

    2. Documents of the supposed hijackers such as passports where found intact at the site. This would be physically impossible because every other object of this material was burned to smitherines. Most of the jets where reported to have desintegrated upon impact and the melting point of one of these crafts is far powerful enough to destroy a piece of paper.

    3. There was absolutely no evidence of a plane to have colided into the pentagon, rather a missile believed to have been deployed by american military. Two minutes after the explosion at the pentagon, construction crews where on the site and burried all possible evidence. There where apporximately fifty cameras which had a clear view of the destroyed portion of the pentagon. These tapes where all confiscated and have yet to be released.

    4. The plane believed to have crashed in philadelphia was seen laning on the runway not far from the site. Passengers where seen dismounting the aircraft and escorted. The plane then took off. No evidence of an airplane was found at the site, rather garbage.

    5. There was much talk of a plan to invade Afghanistan years prior to this tragic event.

    6. Any confessions of the attacks where deemed falsified, untruthful and where proven to have been a result of torture.

    There are hundreds of other facts which i have not covered. goodbye.

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