
Why do you brits like to criticize us all the time? Dont you remember we saved your country so many times?

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And if it wasnt for the good ole USA, you would be singing the German National anthem instead God Save the Queen.

Ive seen pictures of britian being bombed by the n***s, so dont say you would have won without our help.

Now we are doing the same thing in Afghanistan and Iraq, saving the world from terrorists. Sadam and Bin Laden blew up the WTC and they would have got nukes and blow you up too.

So before you criticize, REALIZE

The only good things I can say about you people are that you are better than the French who are just plain cowards. didnt fight the n***s at all and didnt help us fight the terrorists. So you got one up on them

So, thats some food for thought to have with your Earl Grey and scones and crumpets

Cheerio pip pip and all that




  1. Maybe you should try learning something about WWII before you say such stupid c**p because you nearly ruined D-Day by refusing British help, you nearly cost us the whole opertation.

  2. I think you will find that 1. Russia is the reason we are not singing in German, right now. 2. There have been less British casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan. Go eat your superzied Mcfat burgers.

  3. Is someone craving attention!!!

    I think so....... wow you are really really sad, and a total loser, as yoy great americans love to say, whatever, or is that just a stereotype!!!  LOL

    Get over yourselves, us brits have much more exciting and interesting things to think and talk about than you lot, seriously, we do not care either way for you.

    grow up

  4. I like it how most Amurcans claim glory for only fighting the last 5 minutes of a war, this guy is claiming glory for not even fighting one.

    You say that Saddam and Bin Laden blew up the WTC's, apart from the fact that the Saudi's and the Afghans have been at war with each other for decades, apart from the fact they both hate each other, and apart from the fact it was Bush who orcestrated 9/11 so he had a reason to be like Daddy and steal some more oil, because Yanks are too fat to walk anywhere, and have to pollute the planet, and say how they're leading the way for a greener Eart, (funny how the US refused to sign the Kyoto Agreement eh), don't you see how retarded you're making yourself look?

    Oh yeah, and so what if they got nukes, the US and UK have them too, and do a check on the range of these nukes, there is not a WMD around that had a range of 8,000 miles.

    The US are the terrorists, they're the ones going about bombing the h**l out of everything, and the whole "singing the German national anthem" statement just goes to proove that you're just another retarded Yank with your head up your own rear-end, too stupid to see that the Chinese, Russians, or British are gonna' bomb you off the face of the Earth by the end of the century, no great loss I admit, but it's gonna' happen.

    As you guys would say between humping guns: OH MAH GAWWWD!

    Heh, I would be afraid of repurcussions, but this attention-seeking sexually placated teen probably weighs like 700lb, like all other Amurcans, and would have to stop between the LazyBoy chair and the front-door for a snack on a 16" pizza.

    Perhaps if you guys stopped killing innocent civilians, stealing their oil, paid off your $10 trillion national debt, and stopped slagging off superior nations to make yourselves feel better about your national case of p***s envy, the rest of the world might not hate you, and not see you as a bunch of uneducated, loud-mouthed, war-mongerers with small weiners.

  5. i think its more to do with that attitude than anything else.

    is the entire US of A that idiotic?

  6. ok then

    in world war 2

    the americans killed over 200,000 friendly forces

    well done america

    your country is ran by a idiot

    your family is fat and inbred

    you touch kids

    your wife is fat

  7. At least the British forces are not so incompetent as to fire on their allies in a theatre of war.

  8. Professional widow said it all

  9. Just so you know- we dont ALL criticize. Only stupid people, with no knowledge on the sucject and who are incredibly ignorant (such as yourself) make comments like this.

    I understand that the USA have done a lot for the UK....they have helped them out when we desperatly needed them....but you must not forget that we have helped you too.

    We are the only country to stand by you thorugh the Iraq dispute- and even there our government went agaisnt the majority of the publics wishes just because we wanted to back you up.

    Also: never forget we made you. Without us there would be no America. A large proportion of you originated from scotland, england and ireland.

    Your country has done many great things for us, but we have done some good for you too.....our countries have a special relationship.....and there is no need to go around making comments like that.

  10. Wow....And British here post questions about why we (Americans) don't have a sense of humor??.

  11. You do realise that your esteemed country took money from the UK in the form of war loan don't you? we had to pay you to fight and didn't finish paying you for your "help" until recently. As regards Afghanistan and Iraq, you started it.  Your government sponsored the Afghanis to attack the Russians in the first place and supported Saddam's murderous government for years until he stopped doing what you told him. Then you turned on both peoples and invaded, if it wasn't for Tony B liar sucking dubya off you'd probably have invaded here by now. And to close just a word of thanks for the millions of dollars you sent the ira to help them murder British citizens over here.

    So, that's some food for thought to have with your coffee and chitlins.

    See ya round, Cletis.

    P.S little known fact. During ww2, over 700 american troops were convicted of rape within the United Kingdom. Thanks for that help as well Y'all.

  12. The USA is no more or less important than the UK, get over it.

  13. Hey i think you Americans are fantastic after all you invented sliced bread then you single handedly saved us from the Gerry's and now you say you are slaying the terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan without any help from anyone really are just brilliant

  14. You have my pity because you clearly have issues.

    Albert Fish, rest assured we know he is an ignorant fool.

  15. Such arrogance ill becomes an american citizen (which I assume you are). Yes, it is likely that but for US help we would have lost the war; but this help was provided at a high price. We have only recently finished paying some of it. Granted that american lives were lost (compare with 20m+ russians) but the USA emerged more wealthy and powerful than ever before and we have had to endure her hegemony for the rest of the 20th century. Do not forget that were it not for Britain, America would not even exist.

  16. Roosevelt refused to join in the war for many reasons - mainly saying that public opinion was opposed to it. They only joined in because of the attack on Pearl Harbour when they realised that once Europe was free of naziism, they would have help fighting the Japanese etc.  

    America became rich because of the war - England has only just finished paying them back.  They used land-lease to exert pressure and their wishes on European countries.  America entering the war was for financial reasons and more manpower in Asia.  Nothing more.  

    America is still making millions due to war - in fact, the economy would collapse if there was no wars - so it is in America's interest to keep fighting going.  The unemployment caused by closing down its war factory would plunge the country into a very deep depression which it would find it very difficult to recover from.

  17. You are a discredit to the brave Americans who fought so unselfishly in the war.You are not part of that 'we'.

  18. i wonder if between posting this and waiting for answers , our inbred hillbilly friend , has wandered over to the fridge , found out hes out of chicken , and has started gnawing on himself , hmmm........... not an unpleasant thought .

  19. you've just made yourself and your country look extremely ignorant.

    Think about your sterotypical term :

    "So, thats some food for thought to have with your Earl Grey and scones and crumpets"

    oh yes because we all put our pinky finger through our tea cup while speeking poshly and bowing to the queen. Hmm yer right obvisiously haven't seen our culture recently.

  20. why do you lot keep invading our country we are over run   you take all our jobs and all our houses


    Do u remember Pearl Harbour?

    Toodle pip!

    oh and I hope u guys have improved yr skills.

    Rogered and out.

  22. fascinating

  23. Ah, yes ! This question has cropped up on here in many shapes and forms. Just let me tell you, my American friend, you are late with this question.Just as your countrymen were in joining us in two world wars, they came just in time to see the end and reap the benefits. The only reason that we are polite to your sort is that you are mere ex British colonials !

  24. I was going to keep out of this, but, Dr f, I'm at a loss at finding the humour.

  25. silly boy the world war 2 was won as an alliance of many, many  countries

    when did the USA ever win with out the UK on its side???  you lot couldn't even invade a tiny island like Cuba with out cocking it up in the bay of pigs.   Vietnam you lot fled unable to defeat a rag tag mob of Asians.

    in fact I'm hard pressed to think of the USA in the 20th century winning a war without the help of other nations.

  26. So your country helping fund the IRA was good then, was it?  Prat

  27. You never did come and save us....not until Adolf Hitler declared war on you (Dec 11th 1941) that made it YOUR war....old bean!

  28. that's funny America only came into the war when it was nearly won....

    and another thing is i love American people..

    but you are a disgrace to your country...

    and england allways backs america up no matter what....

    so run along and play with your christian freinds

  29. you a prikkkkkk

  30. Thank you,

    See you at holiday season !

  31. As long as the US still has jerks like this, there is no need for us Brits to criticise. They do a grand job of making themselves look stupid. Luckily these ignorant folk are in the minority and are generally more involved with decorating their trailers than attacking allies on-line.

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