
Why do you buy your kid name brand clothes?

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Do you have a 1 or 2 year child etc. whose outfit costs more than yours? Do you dress your kids in expensive clothes because you want them to look good, or because you want to look good? Or, is there another reason? Just curious. I dress mine in name brands and my parents are always giving me c**p saying that I am wasting money. I don't believe I am wasting money. I dress them how I like to dress.




  1. no, i dont have children, but id never dress them in an outfit that cost too much...think of it, they will just grow right out of it and it will be tossed away in less than 6 months...financially its retarded because u could be saving urself 500-a grand a year, which can buy ur child better things taht they need more, like maybe ul need it for medical expences when they get really sick, and they will get really sick at leat once in their life, what child have u known that hasnt needed more checkups than the regular needed. or even be put away in their college fund so that u wont be in so much debt when they get out of highschool, and will also give them a choice in what ever college they want if they just so happen not to get many well paid rather think about my  childs future than their clothing choices...its not as if they care about the brand either...and also think of it, ur also teaching ur child that the nice clothing and expensive items are more important than other things...u many not think ur wasting money but if it were me id rather think of my kids well being and future rather than how he looks currently.

  2. I feel u cause my parents are the same. im 24 w/ 4 year old son. i am very stylish and i wear expensive clothing. I have a pump collection of at least 50 pair ranging from $80 to $700.  I dress my son n the latest fashion. not nessisarily most expensive, but hip, since i do knoww he can only wear it 6 months b4 its 2 small. he has the cool rocker belts, v-neck t shirts, logo tees, cool hats, ed hardy. polos, flip flops, sweater vests etc. But i feel your chilren should reflect u.  i'd feel bad 2 spend $600 on an outfit 4 me, then only shop exclusively on the sale rack or walmart 4 him. Not knocking wall mart because he has lots of cool logo tees from there. but id never buy him sneakers from there. But anyway your child is with u. i'm a fashion foward girl. i kinda buy him the things i'd wear if i was a guy. i have a cousin who is a little older than me w/ 2 boys. 1 is 6 and 1 is 3. Althogh she is stylish her kids only wear what ther people buy as gifts. truck and basketball shirts. i dont think thats right. and what makes it worse is that since my child is 1 year older than her younggest, i give her all of his cloths that r to small, he he is mad stylish. so now she's all dressed up and cute, her 3 year old is too, and her 6 year old looks like the unwanted step child. And i really hate little boys cloths with the bugs, trains, cars and balls,

    so what im trying to say is it doesnt have 2 b brand name, it just has to be neat and stylish.  

  3. Well I am a 12 year old... never had s*x so no babies lol.

    But it's your money you can do what you want with it! Tell them it's your money, and you don't have to spend  their money anymore so they can't tell you what to do with your money that you earned. But if it's their money then it's a different story, if they think you are wasting money and it's their money then I would stop right now. I think it's fine but I personally just like Old Navy clothes and brands like that.

  4. i don't have kids i'm too young for that but my sister does lots of brand names, she even springs out between the tommy, nike, lacoste, and gets these marc jacobs and burberry stuff for them.  

    but i have to say my niece and nephew looked so cute in matching patterned dress and suit

  5. You are wasting your money. "WHO CARES WHAT A CHILD IS WEARING" They outgrow it about 2 months...if not less. save the money you would spend on clothes...for a college education. A 1 or 2 year old "DOES NOT CARE WHAT THEY ARE WEARING" If you put put them in brand name clothes... it is saying to the world I think I am better than you... Keep wasting your money. "SHOW-OFF"!!!

  6. I'm 14 years old currently. Well, I'm not spoiled or anything but until the age of 10, my parents dressed me and my sister in expensive & stylish clothes. Mostly dresses. No jeans.  My sister gets my clothes passed down from me. At that age, she didn't really mind. And then after we both can't fit those dresses, we give it away to our little cousins or we sell it at ebay.

    Currently I have 2 Burberry clothes and those are front my aunt who can't fit in those clothes anymore.

    So here's tip 1: Buy the clothes. Sell it off at ebay or at other auction sites if your kids can't fit into them. But there are a billion people in the internet so I have to tell you this: Don't get fooled. So don't put too much money in your bank account. Make a separate one. But the good thing is, who knows? You can maybe get more money than the time you buy it because of all the bidding.

    Tip 2: Only buy clothes of good material and that are long lasting. Well, that's obvious, isn't it? My parents only buy the clothes because they want us to look cute, not because it will look good with "expensive well-dressed" children.

    Tip 3: (This kind of merges with Tip 1) Buy the clothes off ebay.

    Tell your parents that you will sell them on Ebay when they can't fit.  

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