Why do you call conspiracy theorists nuts when they reinvestigate things?
its not like you have to do it, you dont even have to believe what we find, so why do you get mad at us?
all we do is look back at some old things to see if the past investigators missed something (cause its always good to do that in some big cases where mis finds can be a problem), every now and then we find something wrong with the original theory, and you act like we stepped on your d*** (no offence).
its insulting to be told to shut up when you find some evidence thats even a tad off from the first and gets laughed at. I mean its like walking up to your friend, saying that yesterday you both actually saw a raccoon not a cat and him saying "your f***ing crazy!".
so what if we think about something different from your "about-to-collapse" theory anyway, its not like you should be bothered by it, and if you are, than why dont you shut up for once