
Why do you care about illegal downloading?

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I'm sick of seeing it on here when someone asks a question about p2p or torrents theres always a few that start spouting propoganda on behalf of the corporations.

p****y is stealing is what there trying to brainwash us with, right? So downloading a movie is just as bad as mugging an old lady is what there saying.

If you're one of those ones that has to have a go at someone for asking about p2p or torrents, just let me ask you, what difference does it make to you wether people download illegally or not?




  1. There just stupid but i know what you mean because like it's much cheaper and going to the cinema cost's lods here and there's no point paying that much when it could be crapp

  2. It's not brainwashing it's the truth.  Let me put it this way.  Let's suppose for a moment that you managed to create something: say a book for example.  It took you a lot of time and effort to write it.  It also cost you a lot of money to get it published.  Now, in order to make a profit from writing the book you have to get people to buy the book.  If you raise people's awareness of the book by advertising, that costs even more money.  The more copies of the book you sell, the more money you can make which you can use to help your family, buy a house, food etc.  You can also use some of it to invest in writing and publishing the next great idea you have for a book.  

    However, if people copy the book and give it away on paper on online, then you don't get as many book sales as you would have otherwise.  Would you not be mad if you found out that your book's lack of sales was due to someone giving away free copies of the book?

    It's the same thing.  Sure, some of these songs and movies and stuff are published by "big" companies, BUT ordinary people like you and me work for those companies.  If the big companies don't make a large enough profit, they may decide to cut back on costs and fire some of those workers.  This might seem like it's not a big deal to you, but it is for those working for those companies.  

    What do you do for a living?  If you work for someone else and they told you they had to let you go because they lost too much money to keep you, that would stink now wouldn't it?

  3. I prefer to go to the store and buy my films or music, if someone wants to download them though, that's their choice

  4. Stealing FTW!!!!!!

  5. p2p rocks if its there why not use it why should i buy an expensive taxed to the hilt cd or dvd when i can get it for free?

  6. i dun really care  

  7. Because I believe in private property rights.  Anyone who thinks stealing another's property is nifty has no property of their own.... you just said volumes about yourself.

  8. Yep, illegal downloading REALLY harms the movie companies. It's one of those funny ones. You hear them complaining how it impacts on their profits, then announcing more record profits shortly afterwards.

    I'd wonder who actually thinks it hurts anyone... but I'm sure if I read some of the other answers I'll find some idiot.

  9. So long as they don,t affect me,i do not care a lot,i do not.You take your own risks in life ,just do not whine,like most do when they get caught.When i do anything illegal i am always ready to take my lumps,its a calculated risk.You do reallise though ,that you are stealing off someone else.

  10. Well' it makes a difference on quite a few different levels

    1) People are motivated to write song partly by money. Every time someone downloads a song without paying that is a royalty lost to the writer. If people stop writing because they lose the financial motivation the world will lose some great songs. The same applies to films, computer programs etc.

    2) Some of us are not comfortable with theft. It is a cornerstone of civilisation that you do not just take what belongs to someone else. It is also a fundamental of christianity.

    3) There is a moral issue - although I do not lie awake worrying about digital p****y the "difference" it makes to me is that it is just not right to help myself to something that belongs to someone else.

    4) How would you like it if I just borrowed your car, house, clothes etc. without asking or paying - why do you think that your right to the exclusive use of something you own differs between a copyright and something like a car?

  11. Those who think that copyright infringement is the same as theft are fundamentally wrong.

    There is an important difference. Creating an infringing copy does not deprive the copyright holder of theirs. In theft, you not only get something for yourself but deprive someone else of something.

    Many forms of copyright infringement do not deprive companies of profit - infringing copies are made or bought because the people involved cannot afford or would not otherwise have bought a non-infringing copy.

    In some cases sales might be boosted, for example someone who purchases a poor quality infringing copy might then go and buy a non-infringing copy of better quality.

    In any case it is wrong to assume that copyright ownership is some sort of natural right. Copyright is a state granted monopoly.

    It is granted for a purpose - for the public benefit. The idea is that copyright encourages the creation of copyright works, so that the public gets to see or read or hear them, but that ultimately that copyright will end, making the works free for everyone to use.

    It's because of this that copyright infringement itself is not a crime, only *commercial* copyright infringement is - making bootleg copies for money.

    Copyright infringement as we see it is really one side of a copyright conflict, in which copyright holders try to get as much as they can economically out of copyright works. Increasingly they use new technology to achieve control of works which was not possible in the past and is not desireable now.

    For example, the region encoding of DVDs allows companies to extract money from markets depending on demand.

    There is no law which gives them a right to control copyright works in this way. There is nothing illegal in buying a DVD in a cheap region and bringing it into an expensive one but it is made as hard as possible to do.

    I view widespread copyright infringement as a sign that copyright holders are squeezing too hard for profit, charging too much for what they produce, particularly in Europe.  

  12. what do you mean why does it matter if someone downloads is the wrong thing to do...would you steal a CD or DVD from the shelves at the store...commercials like that make it seem as though that is what you are doing and they are 100 percent correct...everyone knows that artists and actors make millions of dollars but how is P. Diddy going to have enough money to fly first class anymore..we want to make sure celebs like P. Diddy and others will always have the opportunity to fly first class at all times..

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