
Why do you come out to eat if you cant tip?!?

by  |  earlier

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I mean seriously, my job is to bring u food make sure ur drinks are full and that you are happy. I do all these things and bend over backwards to make sure my customers are happy. but when u hand me the check back and say keep that change and all i get is 2.00$ off of 80 its time for me to ask.....

why the **** are u coming out to eat? or better yet why are u asking me to do things for u if i just get a slap in the face.

its not 10% or 5% anymore people. the standards have risen to 18%.

i really just needed to vent a little. and wanted to inform the general public that our jobs aren't the easiest things in the world. try meeting at least 12 peoples needs at once while getting paid 2.13$/ hr. and living off ur tips

other server stories and other would be interesting as well.




  1. This is one of my biggest pet peeves!  As a former cocktail waitress I insist that no matter who I am with or where I am the tip must be 20%.  

    Your time is your money and I appreciate it and am trying to pass that on to my child.

  2. So so true it's not a very nice thing to do , but you should really find a better job , where your pay does not depend on the general public people are funny  and most don't care and some just have enough for dinner , or work where the tip is include in the bill , know one has to tip you if they really don't want to that's your job and your chose of work , but it shows know class for them and know tip for you.

  3. The standard tip is whatever the customers are willing to pay.

    I sympathize with the wait staff, but you have to remember that if the price of the food doubles over a period of time and the tip percentage also doubles, then the actual tip has multiplied by 4 and times are tough for everybody

  4. I worked in a hair salon so I know what it's like to make crummy tips. However, if a customer feels that you have not done a good job, they won't tip you well. It doesn't matter whether you think you did a good job or not. People have their own personal opinions and that's what sucks.

    People are also extremely cheap. So regardless of whether you did a good job or not, you're still goin to get a c**p tip.

    I remember when I worked at a hair salon and had my hands in old lady hair all day. Ya know, the only time they wash their hair is when you do it and that's only once a week. So needless to say, their hair is NASTY.  I would strike up a good conversation, make them happy, get them coffee, water, cookies...whatever. Some of them just wouldn't tip me after. They're cheap and they suck. Not all, but some.

    Makes me happy that I went to college so it was just temporary.

  5. When I waited tables I would tell the table can you believe that last table gave me a dollar don't they know we get 2.13 hr and they would always ask what was the right % I said 20% in Texas but then I was a great wait person

  6. i agree completely with you, i have done the whole waitress thing. while having cash all the time was nice it sure wasnt making the bills,  i will ALWAYS tip someone, well if they deserve it i guess, if u expect great service i expect a great tip!!  we arent doing this because we enjoy taking ur dirty plates, we do it cuz we need to pay the bills!!

  7. I think the problem is what you are getting paid. I believe all Americans should earn at least the minimun wage - what is it these days? $5.75? $6.50? Anyway, everyone - waiters, beauty stylists, baggage handlers, etc.

    Secondly if the quality of the service is anywhere from 'disappointing' to 'fair' or moderate, my rule is 15% tip; if the service is good or better than average - 20%; if it is extraordinary and wonderful -25%. If the service is really bad, I mean aggravating then I might only leave 5% or 10% - but this is very rare, happens less than once a year.

  8. If all of your tables are tipping you 2 bucks, it's you, not them.  Someone had to say it

  9. "why are u asking me to do things for you"... umm, maybe because it's your job, you're the waitress! I think it's time for a job change.

  10. wow. poor u.

  11. OK i feel a few different ways about this I was a waitress and I always smiled ,was more then nice and helpful whenever anyone needed anything. I was there and it is a hard job I think I only got tipped no more then 5$ but then again that is 5$ I didn't have to begin with, and as hard as times are now I would be grateful for anything. People have the right to go out and enjoy themselves without having to spend the same amount on a tip as if they would on another meal. But if people have the money they should think of others too as long as they tried hard to be pleasant and helpful.

  12. check with another job vacancies where you can do your job full hearted without have to beg for other person pity such as giving you tips.

  13. I go out to eat - not tip....and tipping is not mandatory.....perhaps look for another job?

  14. I don't agree with this either BUT a tip is not mandatory unfortunately.  Overall, did you do well for your entire shift?  That's how I used to look at it when I was waitressing.  Other people would make up for the s***heads in the end.

  15. If you want good tips you must understand that everyone has a right to expect good food and good service. The price on the menu should include those, so you need to go above just good, Smile a lot, keep drinks full and give better than good service, then you will receive good tips. You must understand that there are some people who will stiff you no matter what and some who will tip no matter what. The rest of us tip according to the quality of food and service we  get

  16. If you dont like that job bozo, then get another one. People go out to eat cause they are hungry and cant or dont want to cook. They dont go out to eat just to tip some snotty waiter like you. There enough bad service around without you venting your anger. Maybe next time your at work, take a minute to be grateful your alive, and have a job!

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