
Why do you come to Yahoo Answers? Why am I here? What is the draw?

by Guest55907  |  earlier

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I am an introvert, yet I want to connect with people, apparently in an electronic manner, and not flesh to flesh. I'm looking for magic. THE answer. I'm still looking for the question.




  1. It beats sitting here staring into space doing absolutely nothing at work all day.  That is why I am here.  Every other useful site I go to is blocked at work so I'm here.  Now as to your question and why you are here well it is kind of silly to ask us.  That is something that only you can answer.

  2. In our "real" world, we have learned to be less self-revealing than in the online world. I think we hope to make a connection with someone-without, of course, all the baggage and risks of real connections. Actually I don't often come to Answers any more. It did provide me with the illusion of human contact when I needed it though, occasionally some laughs, and insight into what-in-the-world is going on in other people's minds-at a safe distance. Plus I get to practice my keyboarding skills! It's kind of like picking some stranger up in a bar without the danger.  

  3. The question is Who are you?

  4. Boredom!!

  5. I came here to put in my input. To give my own opinions, and either have people agree with me or disagree with me, based on my answer. You are asking why you are here, and I can't tell you why, I can only guess. Since you are an introvert like me, you are probably more energized by yourself and sometimes feel drained by the energy of everybody.(I'm not stating that all introverts are like this) You probably like connecting to people this way because you can be alone, yet still connect to people, meaning that you won't feel your energy being drained.

    You're probably also drawn to this place so you can be heard, this is probably an easier way to communicate because on here, you are anonymous if you want to be, and you can ask any questions you want without regard to being embarrassed. The draw is also trying to help people if you are answering questions(whether your answer help or not) and also try to find answers. The answers you  get on here can either be usefull to you or uesless.  Some answers can be very helpful and others, not so much.

    Having said that, I do go on here the most when I'm bored.

  6. I ask myself the same thing all the time.  Its great to use if you have a question, but some of the questions people ask can really give you a headache.  I do love to help people who truly need it but some of the questions people ask are stupid.  And most are things you can easily find on the net if you just type the question in the search box.

  7. I'm an introvert, too, but I like people and I really feel sorry for some who seem to be suffering. So, ditto what V-girl said.

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