
Why do you condemn owners with outdoor dogs? ?

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Why do you say that I should give up my beloved 5 month old lab/pit mix puppy to a rescue home? Can't people just stop judging other people just because their opinions and situations might differ?

Indoors doesn't necessarily means good and obedient dogs.

Outside dogs doesn't mean chained up and neglected dogs.




  1. Because unfortunately in our society, animals are treated better than children.  

    It is ridiculous to say that dogs are unhappy, neglected, forgotten, abused and bored just because they live outside.  Come to my house and see for yourself how unhappy my dogs are.  

  2. Depends on what kind of dog, and why they are outside.  No toy breed dogs should be left outside in inclement weather.  If they are being walked daily, and get lots of attention, and are well cared for, I guess it would be okay.  But I don't see why you would want to leave your dog outside all the time anyway.  Unless it was guarding something.  If it's a pet, why not have in indoors, where it spend most of it's time with its "pack"?

    I have a problem with people that get dogs and leave them chained up outside, and pay them no attention.  I don't see any point to even having a dog if the person never sees it.

    As long as your dog is well cared for and healthy, do what you want

  3. I think your right when i was a child we always had outdoor dogs.  Now as an adult I have decided to have indoor dogs. Just a choice not better or worse

  4. I agree with you.  I think that if you give your dog the exercise and attention he needs, he will be fine.  Just make sure you bring him in during too hot/cold weather.  A friend of mine just lost a dog due to heat could've been easily prevented.  

  5. Nope, it doesn't.

    I have no problems with having outdoor dogs, IF you are willing to spend the time and effort providing for it.  A puppy needs more than a few hours a day of exercise and attention.

  6. As long as they have adequate shelter, a clean bedding area, shade, food and clean drinking water -outside is not a problem and not illegal ether.

  7. Dont worry about it some people are extremists and fanaticals.   As long as you love and care for your dog and all his needs are met than he is fine.   As long as he isn't chained and neglected he is fine.    A lot of people have outside dogs and are great.    As long as he has the shelter he needs and all his needs are met.  And ofcourse has your love.  

    I once posted somewhere about my dads dogs (he keeps them outside my sister has allergies) and they said my dad was cruel and should give up his dogs one he has had for more than 10 years.   Well my sister came along after the dogs but he wasn't giving them up.   Those dogs are very happy and healthy have plenty of love and are very friendly.

    he has two labs, a beagle that lives inside and out, and an indoor maltese

    Just let it go.  Not everyone sees things the same way

  8. You are correct, it does not, but, you must remember where you if you do not treat the d**n dog on the same or better level then you do your parents or your child, you are an abuser.

    Very few people have any idea what a dog really is here, please, forgive them and go on, you will never get any satisfaction to your questions from YA!!

    Good luck!

  9. People have changed the way we should have our animals live. For hundreds of years dogs have lived outside. I think we need to realize the difference between dogs and humans. We have a beagle that is perfectly content to have sleet falling on him. When we bring him in because of bad weather he hangs at the door wanting out. So if anyone sees our dog with sleet hanging on his coat does that make us mean? We are trying to make humans out of animals. Animals have learned to adapt to the weather but we have not.

  10. I hate that too. I know not all outside dogs are chained up and neglected. My neighbor has an outside dog and he runs free all day because they have a fenced in back yard and he is well behaved and healthy dog.

    And my dog is an inside/outside dog. As long as you're taking care of your dog it shouldn't matter whether it's an outside dog or not. Ignore the people who are judging you.

  11. Tell you what, if you live outside with the dog I have no objection to it.

    Dogs are social animals and want to be with their families.

    Although it can be done, it is extremely difficult to provide sufficient exercise, training, socialization and mental stimulation for an outdoor dog.  Normally the dog ends up alone, doing nothing.

  12. I have no problem with that.  My 2 dogs live outside 24/7.  They are not being neglected and they are fine.  

    It is an individual choice of the owner.

    As long as you are looking after the dog in all areas there is nothing wrong with it.

    I actually believe my dogs enjoy there life here with me outside.

    Don't worry about what other people say!

  13. I think it's fine if people keep their pets outside as long as they take the extra care that's needed in that type of situation such as adequate shelter against the weather, food, constant supply of clean water, constantly keep up with flea/tick preventative, get the dog spayed/neutered, spend enough time with thier pet and give them the attention they require.  

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