
Why do you doubt that which you have already seen?

by  |  earlier

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People seek to find alien lifeforms yet when they are told, "Here I am" quickly label them crazy or are disappointed to discover their appearance is no different from human.

There is a truth here; now. Not only "out there".

What if.........I....were to say, "here I am".

Would you wait for a sign or proof by some means of "superpowers" or something..."unearth-like"?

What if....light was the mode of travel and no proof could be given. Would that mean "I am not"?

If...."I am"....and have no way to prove it; does that mean "I am not here; now"?

"I am"




  1. The doubt comes because there is no discernable difference;  nothing alien.  If two things are, to all appearances, the same and we are told that they are different there will be doubt.  Superpowers are not needed, just something 'different'.

  2. If you are but are human, then maybe you're a human like us just from another earth-like planet in a different system. The proof I would ask for would not be superpowers or anything of the sort, but to see your ship or whatever type of equipment that you used to get to this planet. Unless you can provide some type of evidence and prove your origin from another planet in some way, it would be impossible to believe your are indeed alien, don't you think?

  3. if there are aliens on earth why dont they present themselves to a scientist or astronomer? why is it always a redneck with a camera from the 50's?

  4. There is such a wide diversity of levels of thinking in this world

    You could tell someone that you have a frog in a box with 10 eyes....and someone out there will believe it.

    You could stand outside during the day..and tell someone that the sun is shining....and is causing you to cast a shadow on the ground...and they would find a way to disbelieve.

    The point is......most people are smarter than that...and do have a pretty good level of common sense.

    For you to simply state that "you" are some extra terrestrial without proof whatsoever...goes far beyond that level of common sense.

    And to sit there and maintain this claim on Yahoo answers....makes even less sense.

    Extra terrestrials have not now...nor have they ever been on Earth before.That doesn't require any significant level of proof...because if it were would never be kept quiet....that news would spread so would make your head spin.

    I don't discount the possibility that other life exists somewhere out in the cosmos....what I do discount is...any claims that they are on Earth.

    If certain people want to believe that they have seen true extra terrestrials?....then..they have some deep seeded need to believe that they are here....for whatever reason.

    They are very naive and confused.

    Maybe one day..those little bugeyed creatures will come hasn't happened yet.

  5. Of course there's a way to prove it.  A quick DNA check will confirm whether or not they evolved on Earth with the rest of us.  And if you're not willing to do that, why do you expect anyone to take you seriously?

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