
Why do you drink soda?

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Soda isn't good for you and you are just consuming empty calories that will ultimately result in weight gain. So...why do you continue to drink it?




  1. I only drink soda when i run out of beer.

  2. you know...taste...might have something to do with it...

  3. The only Reason is The Flavors  and the sugar

  4. Once in awhile I drink diet 7-up or other similar soda with no caffeine or sugar. I drink water primarily, but sometimes it just gets boring, and fruit juice is too sugary. I don't drink it every day, and plus I usually let it sit around in a glass awhile till some of the carbonation goes away and it isn't too cold, either. I like the fruity sodas, like diet cherry 7-up or some of the diet rite flavors. But just once in a while for a change of pace. I'm allergic to milk, and soy, and rice milk is ok for cereal but not for drinking. So what else do you expect me to drink?  

  5. Well when I do drink it I go with Diet whatever.  Usually because I want something with a fizz.  Generally I love Club Soda with some juice.

    As an aside:  Do you really think you're telling people who consume soda something they don't know?  Why get so worked up about what someone does or does not consume?  If that Avatar is you, you look like you've had a few sodas in your day.

  6. nothings better for morale

  7. Id rather drink pop, then water all day long, but its only pop with NO caffine, becuase anything with caffine causes my, migrains to act up! Plus, its better then Koolaid. I drink Oj alot too.But who are you to jude us on why we drink pop???? it may not be good for us, but its better tehn getting drunk on beer isnt it???  

  8. That reminds me my diet root beer is chilled in the refrigerator.  

    I like soda because it fills my stomach up with the carbonation.  Even if its no sugar/calories.

  9. its good but i drink it only sometimes  
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