
Why do you eat some animals?

by Guest10761  |  earlier

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I was just thinking about some animals people hunt, do YOU eat some of these game?

Coyotes, fox, raccoon, ...etc...

These animals eat trash(coon), and scavenge alot.... I wouldnt of thought a coyote would be very tasty.... but am i wrong? Or do most hunters hunt them for their furs, and/or for the "sport"????

Just curious...




  1. Those are sport, usually to display parts of the body you can display. Foxes are hinted for their pelt. Coyotes and raccon are counted as pests.

    People eat javelina. It's related to a rodent and the meat is nasty but people eat it.

  2. Varmint animals are usually not hunted for meat, they are nuisance animals, some carry diseases, some cause livestock damage, they are hunted as a preventative against the harm they can cause and to prevent overpopulation.

  3. It is said that if you are ever hungry enough you will eat anything.* That being said, you can eat anything and everything that is edible, as long as its not poisonous.*

  4. Nuisence animals are hunted as a NECESSITY.

    Coyotes run in packs and if unchecked will kill and dine on Cows horses and swine. In urban areas they kill pets and spread disease.

    Racoons scavange and raid trash, creating a public health hazzard.

    Foxes also are trash-raiders and kitty-cat killers.

    They, as well as racoons and coyotes all are also infamous carriers of rabies.

    I don't believe anyone eats coyote except certain indian tribes,

    but there are numerous recipies for fox (English Fox pie, etc) and racoon. Although I question the safety of the meat if it is from an urban source. Our local Ducks Unlimited holds a yearly wild racoon cook-off where you can find the critters stewed, fried, and of course bar-b-que'd.

    And you know, they aren't half bad.

    If there is a valid reason to control the population of a species, it might as well be made into a enjoyable, sporting necessity. Why beat yourself up and shame yourself for doing something that someone is gonna have to do anyway, lest we all, animals and humans suffer from disease and starvation caused by unchecked population in these critters. Make a sporting activity of it.

    If the coats can be utilized, sell and utilize them. If the meat is edible, enjoy it. Use as much of the animal as you possibly can, as mankind always has, and God will smile upon you as you do so.

  5. I don't eat predators, scavengers or the likes.

    I have heard of "Orientals" (sorry for the general phraseology) eating dogs and cats. So, they could eat a Bobcat but I seriously doubt a Coyote.

    I hunt and Trap for sport and furs.

  6. What Mongo said

    I don't know why but I have always been taught to never eat predators

    As far as coons and possums

    Animals taste like what they eat

    The marsh coons in Florida are real hard to eat and if you have ever smelled a opossum's breath you would not be able to suppress the gag reflex long enough to get the first bite down

    back in the day

    It was common for us to catch hogs instead of killing them

    Take them home feed them sweet corn for a couple of weeks and the meat lost the gaminess so that it did not have to be BBQed

    There are a few old timer black crackers that I give my trapped coons to ,they sweeten them up and eat them, one of them is a restaurateur

    I hunt them because people pay me a lot of money to do it

  7. Q:  Why do you eat some animals?

    A:  Some animals are edible, others are not.  Let common sense be your guide.  I am a meat-hunter myself, but I don't shoot for example varmints for food.  They are pesky critters that sometimes must be dispatched but certainly not or food.  Some people eat raccoon and opossum.  I don't but I sometimes do eat rattlesnake.  Some people won't eat rattlesnake but the snake's diet is far cleaner than say a chicken's diet.  So you see, it is all a matter of taste.


  8. Most of the things you said are hunted because they are an expensive pest, but raccoon is actually quite tasty if it isn't too old and stringy. The Ontario raccoons are especially good because we have an amazing rabies program. It is so good that they are comfortable saying they believe there isn't a raccoon with rabies in all of Ontario.

    EDIT; Sorry, I forgot to say that all those animals are also hunted for their pelts. This is another huge reason they are hunted, and I shouldn't have left it out.

  9. Well, coyotes are canids, so I'm sure somebody eats them, just like the Vietnamese do with dogs.

  10. Coyotes are hunted because they harm cows and small farm animals.  The fox is killed because it kills chickens.  The raccoon is hunted because it kills chickens and also spill trash and causes other trouble.  Leave your window open in your car and see how you feel about them.  As far as eating.  I have eaten gopher and squirrel,  Not alot of meat, but not bad.

  11. The animals you named are not for food, Hunting is not for fun for me it's for FOOD! My Grandma used to say that you could take a possum and fatten it up like a hog for 3 months and it gets the waist out of it and it is the best eaten you will ever eat!*

  12. they animals you listed are hunted for their fur. Not sure how they would taste but if you would like I will invite you over next time I shoot one and you can grill up a piece and try it I will take your word that it taste bad.

  13. most people hunt fox and raccoon because their pests, and then just take the pelts. the only reason someone would shoot a coyote is because their a danger to whoever

  14. They mainly hunt them for sport and do not eat them these animals carry many dieseases esp. the raccoon.

  15. different strokes for different folks . . . there is a muskrat skinning contest in Maryland every year . . . they don't just skin ' em, they have been eating them for over a hundred years. Heck, I had groundhog once in chil . . . never new the difference, but i almost barfed after they told me. I make it a rule not to shoot anything I don't eat. Then again, I don't have any livestock being pestered by predators either. I guess if did, i'd try to presrve it so it could be used for hunters education or for conservation purposes, but i might fancy a racoon hat if i lived in a colder climate.

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