
Why do you english support with your taxes the parasitic royal family?

by  |  earlier

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Do you like that the Queen lives in richness with your money?

do you like that Camilla eats fine foods with your taxes, and UK health system isn't free?




  1. We don't get to choose.

    We're told that the monarchs bring money, because of our amazing heritage, I'm sure that we spend more on them than they create, having said that, if everyone wants to pay for me to be Queen I'll gladly invite you all to a Royal garden party and knight you all too.

  2. not all UK citizens support the queen and her family of parasites.  I am sick to death of them.  I am also sick of misguided people who say that the queen costs each tax payer less then £1 a year.  If they are so confident about the figures then wh don't they supply a link?  Its just a modern day myth made up to try and prop up a dysfunctional royal family.  Its time to drop them like a ton of bricks and get an elected head of state

  3. It costs the English very little to support the Royal family,In future get the facts right before posting this oft asked question.

  4. No!. But we have no choice

  5. How dare you make comments about things that you have no understanding of ? Judging by your spelling and grammar you must be one of those poor, ignorant foreigners who "lives" in a republic, go to sleep 'til it's time for you to go begging at Great Britain's table for scraps.

  6. Camilla is supported by Charles whose income is from the Duchy of Cornwalll anyway. He's not on the civil list.

    the OP is a troll.

  7. they should be shot like  the russian royal family.

  8. £7.94 million pounds is payed by the tax payer to the richest woman in the world. Her answer, "it is to pay for the staff".

    People in the UK should have the right to opt out on paying £7.94 million a year and use the money for education, health & OAP's.

    The penalty for opting out to pay the queen would be the following: -

    1.   No free entry to Buck Palace, Windsor Castle, Balmoral and the rest of the royal we get these free??????? or are we allowed in them???????

    2.   Non entry to regional & Buck Palace garden parties.

    3.   No chance of a knighthood, OBE, MBE or any other medals.

    4.   Your TV scrambled so that you cannot watch the Queens Xmas speech.

    Ask yourself the following questions: -

    How many times do you visit Royal residences?

    How many Garden Parties are you going to attend?

    How many lordships and medals are you going to receive?

    Do you really love watching the Queens speech?

    Yippee! Yahoo !aren't the Royals great value for money?

    I also notice you have the dumb chirpers coming off with the cliche, "the royals bring in more revunue than we pay them". This is a twaddle! In France there greatest attractions are: -

    1.   The Versaille Palace - ex royal palace - no royals there!

    2.   The Eiffel Tower - built to emphasis freedom, liberty & justice. Everything royalty did not deliver!

    3.   The Lourve - ex royal palace- no royals there!

    4.   The Arc de Truimphe - everything to do with Napoleans glory - not royalty.

    Therefore lets get rid of the royals which can save us money and open up all their palaces to make more money. It is only the politicans and the rich who benefit from lordships and knighthoods because they have their heads shoved up the royals back passage.

  9. The Queen costs each British taxpayer less than £1 a year ($2, €1.50ish). She brings in far more than this through royal businesses and tourism from opening her palaces to the public. She lives in self-created richness (for example, she owns about 90% of all the Davinci original sketches). Camilla lives off Prince Charles who also has a highly sucessful organic food business. The UK health system (NHS) IS free, another tax (National Insurance) contributes to it.

    Get you facts right and learn how to speak English.

  10. Can i suggest that you re-ask this question once you have learnt some basic English grammar?

    Also, why did you just say English when there are 4 countries making up UK, not just england?

  11. Why does it bother you ? Have they done something to you or are you just envious ?

  12. I hate it - but we have no choice

  13. They are our heritage. Your obviously not English so keep your opinions to yourself. Rule Brittania!

  14. Hi Harry

  15. one should keep ones's mouth closed!

    you have not got your facts right, you do not know what you are talking about.

    many countries would love to have a Royal's who support endless charities, they raise millions to help people in our country.

    so fok off

  16. I do not know where you are from. But one thing I do know is this:- What happens to our taxes is none of your business and our Royal family are not parasites. Think of all the  Americans who come here craning their necks just to get a glimpse of the Queen. One can hardly expect Camilla to sit and eat bread and jam whilst her husband dines in style. Besides which their food comes from his farms and the income from the Duchy of Cornwall, not taxes.

  17. Actually the royal family generate more income for the country than most people realise.  Prince Charles pays for Camilla (Serve him right too)

    I am not a supporter of the royal family in fact a long way from it but silly comments about our taxes paying fro them are plain ly from people who do not understand how taxes are raised. A portion of money is paid out for civil list but the Royal family also pay taxes and generate money for the economy in many ways.

    As for the UK heath system, whilst not perfect it is the finest in the world and it is FREE to those that cannot pay. I for one do not mind paying for my treatment when I see those that are treated who would, in other supposedly civilised countries be dying in the streets.

    You are a moron and you have not checked your facts, now crawl back under your stone and stay there until it gets dark again.

  18. :)... Would like to be in their place?

    P.S.: That one with "Hi Harry!" was good.

  19. very expensive.

    che popolo!

  20. Our Queen is a dignified and loyal figurehead.  She works really hard and always has done.  The younger royals are really not setting the example that she has always done but I will defend her to the last.

  21. Well considering that we pay about £1 per year for her and she brings in much more revenue that we give her I don't mind at all

    Also out health system is free, we pay for it out of our taxes and there isn't any of this your not being treated for that limb hanging off because you don't have insurance!!!

    Charles pays for Camilla as she isn't a royal, and just to let you know that both the Queen and Charles voluntarily pay taxes on the private earnings which by law they don't have to!!!

    And trust me I can't see them using the NHS! (National Health Service)

    Janet H, you want to elect a head of state? What like George Bush or Tony Blair or even god forbid Gordon Brown???

    Not only do I really not want to see their ugly mugs painted all over my money but they are complete twats who have no grasp on humanity and human suffering!! And yes I know the Royals have lived in wealth and wouldn't have a clue either but they do because they have charities to run and see first hand what people go through they are more in touch with the common people than the politicians are but can't do anything to help them because they don't rule anymore!

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