
Why do you enjoy reading as a hobby? Need pro's about reading !?

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I have always " done" a hobby quilting, sewing, scrapping etc. I simply just dont have the MONEY to do these anymore . I deciced to try reading.. I like it but I cant get past the fact I am not creating something, or have something to show for my time?? One of my friends makes out like I am being lazy ... She says it is no different than TV!! Tell me reason why you enjoy reading and why it is a good hobby!!! Help me end the guilt !!! Pros for reading




  1. Tell her reading is not being lazy.  Reading is about enjoyment, an escape, traveling places you might not go otherwise (a cave, Europe, space, etc).  Reading is about learning.  I could read all day, or until my magazine stack runs out:)

  2. First off I just have to say....I know EXACTLY how you feel about "not creating something" or "having something to show for your time"... I am right there with you on that one...I am passionate about my sewing/embroidering and wouldn't know what to do with myself if I ever had to give these things up... I would never give it up no matter what....Money is certainly an issue when it comes to this type of hobby...but don't give it up....just down size...People who sew are CREATIVE people and I am sure you can find other sewing projects affordable...for example .....recycled jeans into a purse...

    My hubby as an avid reader....I read when I can't sew (for example... waiting in the doc's office )...

    the key is finding things you enjoy reading matter what it is you need to enjoy what you are reading...If the material is boring then try something else...fiction..nonfiction...biographies... or sewing books!!! lol....

    Reading enhances your vocabulary and stimulates your brain...It allows you to be creative just as you are when you sew....Good Luck and sorry to hear that you have to give up the dying art....(Why not give lessons...there are many eager people that would love to learn how to sew....

  3. Reading is good for the brain because it is a complex activity. It envolves seeing (you look at the words), it envolves recognition (you recognise the words), it envolves understanding (you have to understand what you are reading), it envolves memory (you memorize what you read and store it in your brain so that further on you recognise the word you've read), it envolves hearing and speaking (because when you read you always associate what you read to a voice), it envolves emotion (you feel something when you read)... and so on. It's complex and the more you read, the more your brain will develop. It is a good activity for brain stimulation. :)

  4. I am a major bibliophile - I just plain love to read, so I don't think I can help you with the 'pros' thing.

    One idea of how to 'do' something with your reading is to create a consistent ratings system and then read and review and rate books. Build a blog (free) and put those reveiws and ratings online. Here's the one I'm thinking of - she reviews YA books and I use it as a major source to help me pick books to give to my nieces.  Titled Bookwyrm Chrysalis, its a great site:

    If you don't want to start your own blog, record your reviews and ratings online at - tons of people use those reviews to decide whether or not to read/buy a book.

    I think reading is its own reward, books that make me think or 'realize' a moment or feel something or just generally add something to my life, whether it be fun & frivolous or serious commentary. If you need 'homework' to feel like reading is productive then review what you read and share that with others.


  5. I absolutely LOVE to read, but I don't have much time for it. I can get lost in a book, and not be able to put it down. Reading opens up the world to you. You can learn how other people in other places and times think & feel, you can learn what people from all walks of life have experienced (non-fiction), or have imagined (fiction). Reading expands your vocabulary and your knowledge. How else would you know what life was like in England in the middle ages, on the plains of Africa, or in America during the Civil War? My husband, son and I discuss books that we've all read. Find what interests you and READ, no apologies necessary.

  6. A hobby is an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation.  I wonder what your friend thinks is so bad about having a hobby that doesn't create something.

    I spend a good part of my day doing things that must be done that aren't fun, and have every right to use my free time doing something ONLY because I enjoy doing it.

    I love sewing and scrapping, too, but I also love digging into a good mystery book and certainly don't feel guilty when I do.  If I thought any my hobbies HAD to be productive, they'd no longer be fun.  That is what I call work.

    So, give yourself permission to have some fun!  Next time your friend criticizes you for how you spend your free time, tell her that doing activities that need mental energy, such as reading, playing board games, doing crosswords or Sudoku puzzles and playing games such as bingo or bridge, may help stave off Alzheimer’s disease.

  7. It expands and improves your vocabulary and spelling(something more folks on Y! Answers could use), it takes you off to other worlds and time periods, it exercises your mind, and it IS inexpensive (particulary with a library card)...

    I read 2-3 novels each week and a history / political / or science book every 2 weeks.  I also enjoy donating my paperbacks to the Senior Center when I'm done.

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