
Why do you fast in Ramadhan when you can donate food..?

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to the poor and such other stuff like money?

Why does it take an action of abstinence to make people realise that they dont need to suffer just to feel how the poor feel, they just need to be good and donate to the needy.

And the poor dont eat as much as the well off do, some dont eat for days while rich muslims get to eat as soon as Maghrib is called..and they eat a whole lot mind you...




  1. I never felt as if I am suffering throughout Ramadan.  No, instead I feel a spiritual and physical cleansing- - a sort of rebirth.  I like to fast, I also like to do charity.  Also, fasting in Ramadan is not simply abstaining from food and drink, it is so much more.

  2. Hello, I'll try to answer your original question:

    "Why do you fast in Ramadhan when you can donate food..?

    to the poor and such other stuff like money? Why does it take an action of abstinence to make people realise that they dont need to suffer just to feel how the poor feel, they just need to be good and donate to the needy."

    As someone stated before, fasting in Ramadan is a command by Allah and I need to start from there. That is the primary reason to fast, and in some ways the only reason.

    Abstaining from food isn't to reduce food consumption that is then donated to the poor, and although giving is encouraged during Ramadan because of the extra rewards at this time, it again isn't the primary purpose of Ramadan. Therefore your question about why we fast when we can just as easily donate money/food to the poor seems to ignore the purpose of Ramadan.

    Ramadan is a way for the creation to get closer to the creator. During fasting we are of course reminded of all of what we have (food, comforts) that we take for granted that others in the world do not have. BUT, you are NOT SIMPLY ABSTAINING FROM FOOD (I put this in caps to stress importance, not to "yell," I can't find a way to put this in bold), you abstain from all sorts of things that could be understood as bringing comfort and ease to one's physical, mental, and emotional needs.

    And during this abstinence one should also be trying to get closer to Allah. In denying the body's desires, in our emotional desires (romantic relations with a spouse for example), and other such egotistical things one should be better able to focus on praying to Allah.

    Whatever medical benefits there are to fasting, whatever other outside benefits there may be, are not the original goal. By the way although abstaining from eating is definitely not health in the long term, fasting during Ramadn for a whole is not dangerous to an otherwise healthy individual (even if they are in puberty at the time). It may slow a growing child's growth but it is not detrimental, and I believe the faster would believe the spiritual rewards far outweigh any decrease in potential growth during the time. We still eat every day, as you know, so the body's nutritional needs can be met but on a different schedule. In the hours that one is fasting (from 10-18 hours in most places) the body resorts to using stored glucose and/or proteins and amino acids.

    Donating food to the poor, donating money to the poor, is encouraged all the time and is part of the 5 pillars. It's not of course just something to do in Ramadan. But more of it is done during Ramadan because of the extra rewards during this time and also because the Muslim calendar year is nearing an end and the yearly donations that must be done are done at this time.

    I agree, some people eat way too much during iftaar (when the fast is broken) and they sort of miss the point of how to eat in the sunnah way and the point of Ramadan. But to reiterate, the point of Ramadan is mainly to bring one closer to God, not necessarily to benefit the poor. One should always be working to reduce poverty, whether it's Ramadan or not.

  3. we also pay charity during ramadan.

    We fast for the sake of Allah. Do you need any other reason?

    I can't find a better reason than that because that is enough for me.

    Why are you against fasting?

    well, you are crazy for leaving Islam after having been to makkah. May Allah guide you to the right path.

    Wa Alaikum.

  4. what you said is the significance of fasting, but we also fast because fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam which someone is not considered a true Muslim unless he believes and practices it,,

  5. Feeling for the poor is not why we fast, that is a minor factor. The main reason why we fast is:

    O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may gain God-consciousness. (Qur'an 2:183)

    Then in the end of the next verse (184) it says: "...And it is better for you that you fast, if you only knew." And in the verse after that (185) Allah says: "Allah desires ease for you, and He does not desire for you difficulty, and (He desires) that you should complete the allotted days and that you should exalt the greatness of Allah for His having guided you and that you may give thanks."

    Fasting is the only deed done for the sake of Allah alone, as only you and Allah know how truthful your fast was. If you want, you can fast and even better do charity by feeding the poor and those who are fasting.  

    EDIT: Fasting physically from food weakens one's sexual desires and it weakens the lust/desires. It is also medically beneficial to fast. Allah knows and we do not know.

    EDIT#2: Nothing is wrong with that, pleasing Allah is dearer to a Muslim than pleasing everyone else on this Earth.

  6. we pay ZAKAT( charity) during Ramadan and not all Muslims are the same, some of actually give food to the poor or even invite them to their home to eat. and also during Eid we give food to the less fortunates.

    If anyone at any time also goes to the mosque anyone there can provide them with food

  7. We give to charity too. But i feel that the best way to appreciate things and to realise how little those poor people have is to step into their shoes for some time. It's through fasting that i realise how much i have, i thank Allah for it and give more to the poor because of it.

    Yes giving to charity would help THEM more, but we do do that too, and this doesn't mean to stop helping OURSELVES by realising how mych we have and appreciating things so that we become less greedy and more giving to the poor.

    Also you say can we not just donate food rather than fasting. Well i do both really, The money that i would spend on the food that i would normally get whilst i fast, i give to the poor. So that's basically giving the food (in money) that i would eat during ramadan to the poor. So that goes for your answer and mine. We're both winning.

    And for your additional details bit about what's the logic: You do not appreciate things until they are gone. In the same way i would not appreciate the food, the luxuries i have until i fast and i can not have them. Also the best way to understand another persons needs is to step into thjeir shoes and feel it for yourself. Through fasting i can understand how these poor people feel to a limit. And you say we can eat lots after, well exactly when you feel so hungry and realise how the poor would feel, you feel worse to know those poor people cannot eat after maghrib as we do, which makes me appreciate what i have and makes me want to give to the poor more.

    And still, not eating and drinking, is just a small part of ramadan, there is so much more.

  8. This will not be easy to explain (to non-muslims whatever ur beliefs r).

    But lets make it short.

    We fast because thats what muslims must do as Allaah SWT (muslims-our God) command.

    Its one of five pillars of Islam.

    We still donate things that we can afford to the needy. That can be anything, food, clothes, money even a smile.

    My suggestion to u? Just think n do whats best for u personally. Dont worry about muslims beliefs, we can take care ourselves.

    Are we bothering u?

    Dont let irritating non-muslims annoy us muslims!

    Coz we're too busy praying n fasting. And muslims dont bash non-muslims.

    Ramadan kareem!

    Ramadan mubarak!

    Happy Ramadan!

    May Allah SWT guide us all.



  9. your fool mixed hypocrite, why did you do Hajj and fast in Makka?

    go burn yourself in a cup of gasoline then get yourself a S**t for pigs!

  10. It's so you can put yourself in their shoes plus I think it is to test you obedience to allah. I'm not to sure, but that's my point of view anyway :P

  11. its not just food we dint eat we fast from sins that means no cursing and all we fast for many resons not just to feel like others feel and when we do feel how they feel we donate food to the poor cause we know how it feels already to go a day with no food and we also pay charity it is a holy and blessed month on when the quran came down why dont you read alittle about Ramadan?

  12. We do 2, its obligatory upon all muslims to give zakat a portion of their money and also sadaqah which is given out of generousity, here we share the food with our neighbours, family, friends and give money to the poor. Back home clothes, money, food is distributed amongst the poor so we send money back home and to LEDC countries.

    Fasting is to reflect on the state of the poor, those who are less fortunate than us. The muslim ummah is one, when one is hurt his brothers/sisters are hurt 2...we share their sorrows and grief. We are also grateful to allah (swt) for all that we have. its a time of unity, togertherness!!

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