
Why do you feel Barak Obama should be president?

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I hope you have a good reason!




  1. He shouldn't be - he's an empty suit with no agenda.

  2. I don't............

    I do not trust him. He is a plant, at the right time. I have never hear of this person before. Also, now that the primary is over I can see he will say anything, and I believe he is putting the wool over the eyes, so you can't see the real Obama.  I fear for this country if he is elected. I read that he is going to put this country in a Trillion to Billion or Billion to Trillion deficit if he becomes president. Where are we really headed. Is gas prices going to go to $10.00 a gallon.

    What did the Ikida Leader say. He said he was going to attack all business in the U.S.A.  The twin towers was an attack on the economy as well as our security.

    Is this person, Barak Obama, who is going to attack the economy of this country? The thought does scare me. Is he for real. A real honest American who will look after this country?

  3. 0ne word: Change.

    that republican sitting in office has only bought shame to the country. now let's try a different path.

    let's go with the guy who know the true meaning of hard work.

    0bama 08

  4. There is NO good reason, only the end of America

  5. Because the only alternative is even worse.

  6. True meaning of hard work?!   Q. for you, which of Obama's many fruitful endeavors are you most proud of?


  7. He would be as marginal, shallow, and supercilious as the electorate that gave him the office.

  8. He is not taking NY money = Israel's Aipac's money

    First rate reason to start a new vision for America with Obama...

    kick the old money politics out of Washington. Regulate corporate owned media!  Excellent idea!!! no more reality TV

    bring back real entertainment that doesn't denigrate the human being

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